State Dept's Blatant Refusal to Rescue Americans from Haiti, Afghan, etc

3 months ago

This says it all. Rep. Cory Mills: "Let me be perfectly clear. I tried in Afghanistan, Israel, and Haiti to work with the State Department in DC in a cooperative way to rescue/ evac Americans. Still, the continued attempts by DC to thwart and stonewall efforts are inexcusable."

"Every American life matters regardless of your title, net worth, or socioeconomic status.

The US Government will put a wall around the Capitol to protect elected officials, but not our borders to protect Americans. This Deputy Secretary of State says they would have to get State and DoD assets to get me if my helicopter was to go down over Haiti, but where’s the support for Americans trapped.

Bottom line, they are saying government lives mean more than the lives of those who elect them. That’s wrong and EVERY life matters. I will never stop fighting for all Americans because it’s about “We The People”



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