Hate crime:Asian and Black team up to torture White teen

9 months ago

2011 - Ahmed Mohamed, claimed the caffeine-infused energy beer Four Loko he drank for the first time the night of the assault was partially to blame.

One of the men who brutally attacked a West Seattle teenager in a hate crime is headed to prison.

The victim is white and he was attacked because of his race.

A judge sentenced Jonathan Baquiring, 21, to six years in prison Friday.

Shane McClellan was walking to his West Seattle home when 2 young men beat him, burned the back of his neck with cigarette butts, whipped him with a belt while making racist remarks, then robbed him.

In court, Baquiring, through a translator, took responsibility and apologized.

"I hope you can forgive us for everything we have done....I beg your patience and forgiveness," his translator said on his behalf.

Bacquiring and the other defendant in the case, Ahmed Mohamed, both pleaded guilty to avoid a trial. Both will spend the next six years in prison.

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