Nuclear War Survival Skills

10 months ago

Nuclear War Survival Skills

I tried to get a startpage link for a search on this book and just couldn’t get there. Here’s one from

You can build a great bomb shelter using the above book and bags from this company. If you live on a farm you might want to quit throwing feed bags away and save them instead.

This is JRH enterprises. Nose around in there and you’ll eventually find the good stuff!

The dehydrator I use is a Nesco Garden Master that came with screens and fruit leather liners. I’ve worn out few of them. By staying with the same brand I can replace things as needed and they’ll always fit. Once everything is dry you can seal it in aluminized mylar with oxygen absorbers. If the oxygen is gone it can’t oxidize anything.

Here is a dry cure pork loin prosciutto I made.

This is where I dry raw turkey and explain the method for doing it.

Here is where I do the same thing with Chicken.

Here is carne seca with pork.

The reason I do pork, turkey and chicken is that most people will tell you it just can’t be done. In the turkey video I discuss portable soup which is demiglace made with the resulting soup stock. It is eventually dried and reconstituted in soups. Often times when someone makes carne seca they’ll soak the dried meat in the soup stock and dry it again. I’ve done that before, but I prefer to make bouillon cubes from it using various methods. Play with it and learn. Really the stock is made from things people foolishly throw away, bones, vegetables end pieces etc.

This is a video I did on dehydrating vegetables. You can also do frozen vegetables as well.

Here is how I make leather beans and store them in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers.

Much of what I’ve discussed on here has to do with Ramen noodles, which I have since moved on from for the most part. Bulgar wheat is what I’ve started working with. Quite simply you buy a bushel of wheat and boil it for 16 minutes and the dehydrate it. Then pack it in an oxygen deprived environment. Keep in mind that if you have a carbohydrate and mix in 20% beans as the protein you’re getting a lot more bang for the buck.

Here’s one of the methods I use for storing tomato paste. Pay attention to the book cover I show in the video. You’ll want to own it.

Here is a video where I cooked with some of the dehydrated vegetables and the turkey I dried in videos I did a while back.

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