Angry elephant attacks safari truck

11 months ago

Safari goers in South Africa’s Pilanesberg National Park found themselves a little too close to the awesome might of nature when their truck was mauled by an irrationally angry elephant. It’s not clear exactly what provoked the pachyderm to point its passions at the passengers, but videos from inside and outside the truck show that the driver attempted to scare off the elephant by revving his engine, making lots of noise, and trying to yell the elephant into submission. What follows next is a good example of why you shouldn’t antagonize an elephant with an appetite for violence.

The elephant rammed into the truck and lifted it into the air with its tusks, only to deposit it back to Earth like a discarded toy. Seconds later, the elephant decided it wanted to play again, brutally lifting and slamming the truck again. The driver attempted to surrender, which the elephant seemed to understand, wandering back into the wilderness while the passengers remained cowering under the seats hoping the nightmare was over.

It was, although not for the driver. The video taken outside the bus was shared online, sparking widespread condemnation of the driver’s aggressive behavior. He was somewhat forgiven after the second video showed that the elephant started it. Maybe the driver should lay low for a while anyway, though. After all, an elephant never forgets.

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