Awaken and partake of the Living Bread! Blessed are the hungry Ones 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

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Awaken and partake of the Living Bread! Blessed are the hungry Ones…

April 6, 2009 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy during an Online Fellowship, for The Lord’s Little Flock and for All Those who have Ears to hear

Thus says The Lord YahuShua… There are none here who have come into perfection, a finishing of that which I Myself have planted within you and watered… To some, quick growth; while still others I have set next to Me in quiet, at peace, with enduring trust.

Therefore, understand the word of My mouth and that which is set before you, even of that which is upon each one of your plates… I have bore you; even twice have you come forth… First by water and blood in the flesh, and a second time in the spirit, yea even a third time where you shall come into glory.

And behold, that which is first sown in your hearts is The Living Word… And that which grows from Me bears fruit, according to the food and drink I provide, which is the written Word… Therefore, both are necessary… Yet one must be first, and this you have chosen. Yet understand this… One who is awakened can not remain so unless they receive of Me, and also eat of that which I provide.

For all those who slumber, slumber because they lack in thirst and no longer wish to eat. For these is there much pain and sorrow, because that which was revived soon falls back to sleep, and eventually dies.

Therefore, abide in Me… And also partake daily of My supper, says The Lord.

Blessed are Those who hunger for Righteousness…
For they have truly received of Me

January 22, 2011 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Lord’s Words spoken to Timothy, during an Online Fellowship – For The Lord’s Little Flock, and for all Those who have Ears to hear – Additional Explanation regarding the Letter above

This question was asked, regarding the following verse in The Letters… „One who is awakened can not remain so unless they receive of Me, and also eat of that which I provide. For all those who slumber, slumber because they lack in thirst and no longer wish to eat. For these is there much pain and sorrow, because that which was revived soon falls back to sleep, and eventually dies.“

I know that salvation can not be lost, but that ‚eventually dies‘ throws me a curve. So salvation would not be lost, but refinement would be much needed and necessary? So those who don’t accept ‚once saved, always saved‘ have misunderstood what it really takes to be saved, not just believing (since satan himself believes), but to thirst and hunger for a relationship?

[The Lord answered] One, who does not have Me, no longer wishes to eat… For one, who truly receives of Me, has caught the scent of My aroma, and within them a great hunger builds…

Yet it is not so, in one who has not truly received of Me. For in them I am only an idea understood by the mind, but not realized by the heart. One such as this tires quickly, and wishes to rest. To them partaking of My food involves effort, in which they quickly grow weary. Therefore they soon fall asleep, slowly dying, due to their great lack… A need which remained unknown to them, lost in all their pretense, says The Lord.

And here is an additional Explanation regarding Redemption…
Correction of mistaken Concepts about Redemption
Thus says the Lord…

1. Many people were of the opinion that all the tears of this world were caused by the sin of the first inhabitants of the earth. In their inability to interpret the parable, they ended up saying that Christ came to wash away all defilement with His blood. If this claim were true, why do people continue to sin and suffer even though that sacrifice has already been made?

2. Jesus came to earth to show people the way to perfection – a way that He taught with His life, His deeds and His words.

3. You will all reach the goal through the fulfillment of your task. I have given you My teachings, which are inexhaustible, so that you may ascend the ladder of your development. It is not My blood that will save you but My light in your spirit that will redeem you.

4. A new cross will be given to Me in the Third Era. This will not be visible to mortal eyes, but from its height I will send My message of love to mankind and My blood, which is the spiritual essence of My Word, will be transformed into light for the spirit.

5. Those who judged Me at that time, today, with their spirit, repentantly bring light to the hearts of men as restitution for their mistakes.

6. For My teaching to triumph over the wickedness of men, it must first be scourged and mocked like Christ at the pillar of scourging. My light must flow from every wound to illuminate the darkness of this world without love. It is necessary for My invisible blood to fall on humanity to show it once again the way to its redemption.

7. I tell you once again that in Me all mankind will be saved. That blood shed at Calvary is life for every spirit. But it is not the blood itself, since it fell into the dust of the earth, but the Divine Love symbolized in it. Whenever I speak to you of My blood, you now know what it is and what meaning it has. (This is an excerpt from the Third Testament, Chapter 31... Link to the whole chapter at the top)

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