Michael Phelps and Tony Robbins discuss the road to greatness

1 month ago

American swimmer Michael Phelps knows about paving the road to greatness. As the most decorated Olympian of all time, Phelps holds 28 medals. Additionally, he holds all-time records for Olympic gold medals, Olympic gold medals in individual events and Olympic medals in individual events.

But getting to the top, and staying there, wasn’t easy.

In this episode, Phelps sits down with Tony Robbins to discuss becoming one of the most successful athletes of all time. They talk about his training schedule, the highs of being an Olympic athlete and the let down that happens after the Olympics are over.

Phelps also discusses the depressive states he would fall into because he wasn’t sure who he was outside of swimming. Raised mostly by his mother after his parents’ divorce, he had a lot of unresolved anger toward his father. These feelings of hurt and rejection played a big role in his decision to ask for help for his mental health struggles in 2012.

During in-patient treatment, Phelps accepted that it is okay to not be okay. He learned that we all need some help and support sometimes, even the most decorated of Olympians. Once he reached out for help, started doing the hard work he needed to do and resolving outstanding issues with his father, he started to see the light.

Now a happily married father of three, Phelps has truly found himself. He has discovered his passion for destigmatizing mental health struggles, teaching others to embrace a healthy lifestyle and making swimming a more accessible sport.

Through his work with the Michael Phelps Foundation, he teaches water safety and the importance of healthy mental and physical living. He also advocates for improvements in the sport of US swimming for future athletes.

The world saw greatness in Michael Phelps as the unbeatable athlete. Now, Michael Phelps sees greatness in who he truly is.

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