The People's Patriot Project Weekly Debrief 20 November 2023

11 months ago

This week we enjoyed the presence of "Inside the Wire" Military Broadcast. Tracy LaPorte has a finger on the pulse of all action in Texas and beyond, and she is excited to share with everyone. Her mission is near and dear to her heart, and it is not an easy story to tell. There are many aspects to this organization, and you will not want to miss the opportunity to listen to her share the wisdom.


We also had some great music by John Swat. His first song was Sure Feels Good. It’s one of the singles that’s going to be on his upcoming album. It’s an excellent song and as Miss Kimmer said, “It sure sounds good.” His second song was Red, White, & Blue Eyes. It’s likely going to be the next single to be released from his upcoming album. His last song was Rednexico. It’s a song about a place where every night is Cinco De Mayo and a couple of gringos can get a little bit Loco. John Swat is also working on a book that is a true story and it sounds like it’ll be a heck of a read.

Next Week's Guest will be Avi Tenenbaum
Check us out at WE GOT YOU 6 @ 6:00- PATRIOT Playtime, featured with Heroes Media Group. Every Sunday night we are here at 1800 Central time on Facebook, and the show can be found weekly on all major podcast sources Spotify, iHeartRadio, Heroes Media Group, YouTube, Rumble and our website. On that note, please go check out our YouTube page, and we ask that you subscribe so that we can build toward a monetized site that can help support all we do with THE PEOPLE’S PATRIOT PROJECT. We are striving to increase our reach and join others in this fight against mental, physical and emotional scarring. 1 is 2 many!!! Remembering is not enough!

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