Amazing Close Footage Of A Buffalo Fight In The Middle Of A Highway

6 years ago

Wood Bison are attracted to the roads and roadside areas for a variety of reasons. Vegetation on the side of the road is a very accessible food source at all times of the year and Wood Bison have become habituated to this source of forage. The right of way forage is well maintained, so it is very palatable with lots of vegetative growth. Highways and rights of way are often windy, so animals can get relief from biting insects. Herd animals benefit from wide open highways and rights of way which provide good visibility and long sight assisting bison to avoid predators. But what happens when they use the roads as corridors?

These two buffalo saw the opportunity to use this road as a ring. These wild buffaloes on the Alaska Highway in British Columbia, Canada decide to brawl right in the middle of the road! Epic! They started the fight on the road but quickly the fight escalated from the road into the grass. Which was really good for the cars who were waiting for the fight or they would have been really late for work! Have you ever seen two big buffalo’s fighting in the middle of the road?

There are a lot of bisons in the area of northern British Columbia where they can be seen along the Alaska Highway. Despite efforts to keep bison away from Northern highways, the grasses along the shoulders are irresistible and those “Caution Buffalo on Road” signs are for real!

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