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In the Velvet Room with Jokerthefool #60

1 year ago

Discussing: Yaira #1 proves that the parallel economy is here to stay, the Oscars aren’t and credit card late fees aren’t the problem.

Joker talks about how the massive success of the Yaira #1 proves that the parallel economy is here to stay. He contrasts this with the dying Oscars and also rips into Biden’s plan to help Americans financially by lowering credit card late fees.

Check out my links: https://linktr.ee/velvetroompublishing

Check out Machine to Man: https://velvetroompublishing.substack.com/s/machine-to-man

Check out Miller’s Bio Farm: https://millersbiofarm.com/register?referral_code=Zxl8MEu2mWkK


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