World politics in the light of sect criteria

10 months ago

Today we are going to evaluate current world politics in the light of sect criteria. For decades now, it has become common practice to evaluate all activists and their movements publicly according to fixed cult characteristics – and this increasingly, irrespective of whether it’s a religious, political, economic, scientific or other maverick movement. Whoever gains too much influence is subject to sect criteria. That’s how it works today. These criteria in turn come from the cult information center or various information offices, such as for example the Swiss ‘infoSekta’, the German ‘Sekteninfo’, the Austrian ‘Federal Office for sect-related issues’, etc. Our question is: What is a sect anyway? The term ‘sect’ originates from ‘sector’. The essence of a sect therefore primarily describes a group which ostracizes itself or others from a larger entity. We are now wondering if those who are currently bossing the world around are themselves still moving within the framework of humankind as a whole or whether they might have excluded themselves from all of us in a sect-like manner. But before we do this, here are eight very typical sect characteristics at a glance: 1) Sects are led by individuals whose statements are not to be questioned, and who might even be worshipped.
2) Sects regulate many areas of life.
3) Sects have an (institutionalized or informal) control mechanism to monitor the behavior of their members.
4) Sects have an elitist consciousness regarding their own organization.
5) Sects ensure an inside-outside division, with a depreciation of the outside world as well as systematically depreciating members’ previous lives.
6) Endogamy prevails in sects, i.e. a prohibition or condemnation of heart relationships with outsiders.
7) A sect ensures that their members are engaging a great amount of their time.
A sect also ensures that the financial resources of its members are used extensively, among other things.
1) Sects are led by individuals whose statements are not to be questioned and who might even be worshipped.

The fact is that we are living in a world in which everyone is increasingly harassed and persecuted, who calls for public discussions, i.e. expert discussions about, for example, the currently highly questionable corona policy, or about the one-sided reporting by obviously uniform mainstream media, or about various physical impossibilities that have permanently worsened our world – such as 9/11 where 120,000 tons of concrete were pulverized by a few kerosene tanks; where three skyscrapers were reduced to dust in free fall by just two airplanes, just to name these two famous examples. Whoever insisted on public talks with independent experts, immediately experienced hell, yes, even worse: whoever wanted to just take part very basically in talks and developments experienced this. So far, it has been getting worse. Anyone who does not immediately submit to the globalist perspective from the outset, that is to say, whoever does not blow in the same horn of correctness as dictated by global politics, is experiencing merciless and brutal marginalization. And this even when unquestionable physical impossibilities are only slightly alluded to. I say, a hidden grey eminence is currently controlling worldwide tens of thousands of people who ask questions and are eager to talk, by mercilessly excluding them, denigrating them, ridiculing them, discriminating against them, slandering, incriminating, even blocking them increasingly in the media, excluding them from the internet, persecuting them and punishing them. Typical first cult characteristics are not to allow any questioning and exclusion from the overall picture, you see. While on the one hand, all those craving for a public debate are immediately stigmatized as troublemakers, fake-newsers, corona-deniers, Nazis, anti-Semites and the like, on the other side, all sought after leaders are downright honored – just think of Bill Gates, Drosten, Wieler and Co., George Soros, or Klaus Schwab and the like. According to these cult criteria, this unilateral adoration is a further clear characteristic of a sect. Anyone who questions the words or works of someone who is highly acclaimed by the mainstream media is brushed off right away:

• Countless futile petitions with millions of petitioners, prove that their favorites are not to be questioned – just like in a cult.
• Hundreds or thousands of demonstrations around the world prove the same.
• Countless open letters by highest-ranking personalities and associations prove it. Everything is wasted efforts – just like with a sect! That’s the point!
• Only a completely biased political clique, a terror regime or homicidal sect would callously ignore such mass warnings from countless associations, as well as the outcries of tens of thousands of doctors, psychologists, thousands of medical associations, or the warning calls of largest scientific associations, lawyer associations and the like – because all their warnings are blown away.
• Despite thousands of criminal charges, there are no public reactions!
• And the media devout to the system keep silent, they keep denying every public dialogue all the more boldly, as we have known for a long time. Therefore, evidence of sect criterion number 1 can be plainly regarded as clearly fulfilled even with just these few inputs - and there would be many more to mention!

But before we apply the standard of the remaining 7 sect criteria to current world politics, we wonder: Is there someone visible in this regard? Every sect somehow has a manifesting leadership at the top and a manifesting corporate body, or a noticeable pyramidal structure. It is that precise. In this case, - I can sense a global economic sect here - it must be stated that the very top of the sect leadership is cleverly hiding. I call the top, or that which is above the top “obscure grey eminence”.
Although, in the following, and for the sake of an easily understandable overview, I will outline just a 7part pyramid structure, this of course still needs to be supplemented.

The real construct is much more like a complicated neuronal network where most participants do not know each other because everyone only sees a tiny fragment of the whole construct.
To get started however, we will focus only on those institutions that have been revealing themselves clearly since Corona. Never before have such dubious worldwide structures been more clearly visible than they are now. So, if you pull on the “red thread” that is revealed, you will eventually reach the still invisible “gray eminence” of this sect-like pyramid. So let’s first focus on the top of this pyramid for a moment and ask ourselves: Where do leaders show up visibly that are not part of the elected state entity but rise as sectors – or sectarians - beyond state entities? I found what I was looking for with the WEF for example, the World Economic Forum which meets annually here in Switzerland.
So, let’s take the WEF as the distinctly emerging head of the pyramid! Let’s just insert this head.

The WEF has in fact nothing to do with our state powers elected by the people or government structure. That we have to keep in mind! The WEF is a billion dollar, private foundation that is not legitimized by anyone. It is packed with freemasons and people involved in secret societies. Therefore, you surely cannot be blamed if you suspect the publicly accessible part of the WEF to be a mere camouflage - for with secret society people, it’s always behind closed doors that the big and important issues are being decided. And exactly such secret agreements are multiply being made amongst these people. The WEF serves as a global reservoir for large corporations and as a platform to implement the agenda of the New World Order, NWO in short, so nothing Swiss or so. It has long been known that the alliances of the Bilderbergers, and of the CFR, which is the Council on Foreign Relations, also team up there. They exert enormous influence and keep their threads stretched even into the national states with key people and decision-makers. This secret private sector was able to secretly form a kind of shadow government kept hidden from the public for a long time – unfortunately, this is still invisible to a large part of the population. But since Corona, this sect has undeniably shown itself to be the “switchboard of worldwide power”. It is about a power structure, do you understand? Free masons, big income earners and those at the steering wheel of the New World Order, NWO, gather there. As already mentioned, the WEF has the task to implement all this as well as the NWO agenda on a worldwide level with the help of large global corporations. The entire corporate elite is concentrated at the WEF – including central pharmaceutical companies playing a key role during Corona.
It comes to no surprise that, according to Wikipedia, the WEF finances are completely obscure. You see, although the WEF is not a public institution, it nevertheless clearly dominates the entire world politics, and quite considerably.
Nevertheless, as I said in the beginning, it seems to me that the World Economic Forum has been pushed into the forefront by even more influential background powers. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum provides strong evidence of this, himself. Like many young highflyers in recent state politics, Klaus Schwab was completely unknown to the average citizen until just recently. And his fast rise to being the “private world leader”, I will say, is unmistakably evidence of a hidden background power which inevitably makes me perceive the whole WEF as a private global economic sect – one that has been successfully installed into world politics. Because Schwab shakes hands there in Davos like those of Merkel, Sebastian Kurz, Donald Trump or even China’s president Xi Jinping and others - in other words, all sorts of bigwigs. - Most high-ranking leaders of this visible layer even own the largest corporations of this world. However, they have cleverly linked their private corporations skillfully with state institutions so that they pocket our money this way and are able to dictate and rule our entire future. That’s the problem we have. Low-income people, i.e. people with less income do not access the WEF, it’s impossible, not even for small or medium-sized businesses: According to Wikipedia, typical WEF members are, quote “global enterprises with more than five billion US-dollars in turnover”. Do you get the picture?!
I therefore describe them as an exploitative private world economic sect that allures all heads of state onto ways where they no longer serve the overall good but primarily the profit of this sect, this economic sect. All the more tragic that all Swiss cantons must also contribute with our tax money to the WEF security costs which, by the way, amounted to 45 million Swiss francs in 2020. Only security fees!
Do you understand? The WEF itself only bears a small part even though these multi-billionaires are only meeting to increase their private assets by further billions – and they do this annually, understand that! Nobody knows better than this WEF-clique how to avoid paying taxes afterwards.
Moreover, this world economic sect has been working on a new kind of corporate socialism, as it has to be called, a kind of corporate dictatorship. As intermediate goal, these intruders want to establish economic and state monopolies, going hand in hand. Both governments and companies want this new kind of synergy as it helps them achieve their guaranteed exclusive power, in other words, their very own little world dictatorship. Beneath this politicizing economic sect, not only corporations are merging with (other) corporations, but also private corporations are increasingly merging with our state structures. That’s where the problem lies. They love to roll millions of expenses on us taxpayers and happily claim the billions of profit for their own. And, for example because the states are right now pushing dozens, if not hundreds of billions of dollars down the throat of these private corporations for extremely questionable vaccines, whoever raises the slightest objection is caught in a merciless crossfire of public criticism, in media ostracism, is being incriminated against, etc. “Operation Corona” sends its regards. The WEF is presenting itself to the outside world with various videos – and you can’t do it more audaciously – they present the overthrow of the old world order as acceptable to the world’s population, or at least it is the aim. After harsh criticism they quickly took some of the videos down because they quite openly glorified the impoverishment of the peoples – imagine that! – they presented our total expropriation as an inspiring event, our deprivation of rights as something desirable, somehow modern and stylish, as a flower bouquet full of supposedly cheerful innovations. That’s how they present it.
And the question “What will work in the future look like?” they simply answered with another question such as “What is the Great Reset?” or “What if scientists were the new bosses?” In short: The World Economic Forum is an international organization for “Public-Private Cooperation”, as it is stated quite bluntly on the website of the WEF.
Public-Private Partnerships (also known as PPP in abbreviated form), however, doesn’t mean anything else than corporatism, we need to understand this! In other words, it means that societal groups participate in political decision-making processes. But now you have to pay attention! All signals, though, contradict the picture that this is simply about a societal group which somehow takes part in political decision-making processes. The first cult characteristics alone already show: Here, a pharmaceutical and economic sect including all their mass media have nested inside world politics, yeah, downright infested world politics!
2)Sects regulate many areas of life

You see, currently hard-hitting and even worldwide orders are going out from the WEF touching all areas of our lives. This would fulfill a 2nd criterion. Let's take a look at two examples:

Already in the introduction to his book "Covid-19: The Great Reset", WEF founder Klaus Schwab unmistakably presents the reader with what he has in mind, I quote:
“Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never. Nothing will ever return to the “broken” sense of normalcy that prevailed prior to the crisis because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental inflection point in our global trajectory. Some analysts call it a major bifurcation, others refer to a deep crisis of “biblical” proportions, but the essence remains the same: the world as we knew it in the early months of 2020 is no more, dissolved in the context of the pandemic. Radical changes of such consequence are coming that some pundits have referred to a “before coronavirus” (BC) and “after coronavirus” (AC) era.”
End of quote.

What comes into this man's mind to adopt such a tone?! Do you understand?
Well, if this isn’t evidence of a 2nd sect criterion?!! What did we read?
“Sects take care of regulating many areas of life.”
If you don't believe it, you can check and read it in the source information below this broadcast.
A second example from the WEF is the there praised "smart mask".
In a WEF video from February 2021, it says: ““This smart face mask tells you when to wash it. And whether you're wearing it properly. It measures your breathing rate.” Do you understand?
But there is nothing at all that is smart about it, since the mask dictators told us quite clearly from the very beginning that masks are of absolutely no use, do you understand? The fact that Covid-19 is, below-the-line, a mild to moderate type of flu, proves that we would at no point have needed masks at all. That’s the way it is!
But even people who want to wear it, will surely be able to wash this mask in time, even without electronic sensors, and will be able to wear it properly, don’t you think?
It makes you feel as if the WEF wishes to fool and mock the viewers with such videos.

However, the entire over-regulations in the last 18 months have clearly indicated to us at all levels that there is a very blatant sect at work here, nothing less. Their message to the world is, among other things: “You're all too stupid to even put on a mask properly. Better let our expensive, digital technology take care of that.” That's how it can be interpreted, you know.

So, what was the 2nd sect criterion again? Sects regulate many areas of life.

But through which kind of visible organs do they regulate many areas of life right now? Here is the answer. Let's insert the 2nd element now.
Here we see the WHO as a private but very powerful advisor to executive bodies such as the EU Commission, through which the entire world is being regulated at this time, literally down to every little handshake and pat on the shoulder.
Here once again it’s a case of the tail wagging the dog…
Although the constant Covid-orders are released by the executive EU-Commission to the governments, and then to the health ministers etc., in the end the regulation still comes from the "non-binding recommendation" of an organization such as the WHO, but which does not have a mandate to govern. Do you understand that?
I don't need to give explanations on all the regulations and over-regulations you have been enduring over the last 1.5 years. So, the WHO is like a steering wheel or you could also say a scepter, that is firmly in the hands of a controller or ruler far above the governments.

The WHO is of course not only financed by overpowering extra-state forces such as Bill Gates and Co., in other words by private sectors - but on top of this, also controlled, as we have sufficiently communicated in earlier broadcasts.

But now we come to a 3rd sect criterion, which has been incorporated into the popular consciousness for decades by infoSekta, for example. 3)Sects have an (institutionalized or informal) control mechanism to monitor the behavior of their members.
The WHO - burdened to the core by conflicts of interest, together with governments that are downright following it like sheep, has demonstrably plunged our world into disaster without bringing sufficient scientific evidence for having imposed such drastic corona measures, lockdowns and the like. One should remember, however, that the same key players in disease control had already come together in October 2019 to simulate an outbreak of exactly such a "corona virus" - at the so-called Event 201. We should keep reminding of that.
Also involved in this crisis scenario at that time were Bill Gates, whom "DIE ZEIT" already exposed as the secret WHO boss in April 2017, as well as the UN, the Johns Hopkins University and even China – represented by a man who then played a key-role in the so-called "real" outbreak a few months later, you understand?

And to date, these same actors, interacting with politics and the media, are dominating the entire world – and in an absolutely totalitarian manner – enforcing numerous different financial and geopolitical objectives.
Let me ask you: How coincidental can it be that one and the same people, who today have the whole world under control through the Corona crisis, have fictitiously rehearsed exactly this event just 70 days before it broke out? How coincidental can that be?

The Johns Hopkins University, that almost no one noticed before Corona, is now known to many people as the most important source of data on Covid-19. As I said, this very university already played exactly this role during the mentioned exercise as the provider of a chart with Corona case numbers.

Coincidentally," co-ruling billionaire Michael Bloomberg, along with top sponsor Bill Gates, is also a major sponsor of Johns Hopkins University, specifically in the field of health.

So WHO, UN and a representative of China - of all things, key figure in the so-called "real Corona outbreak", sat at the same table at Event 201. Afterwards, they all worked together to impose unprecedented restrictions on the world's freedoms on behalf of a pandemic crisis: Bill Gates, UN, WHO, Johns Hopkins University and, of course, China as the "new standard, so to speak, in response to disease outbreaks," as WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus put it.

Let me quote him: ““As I have said repeatedly since my return from Beijing, the Chinese Government is to be congratulated for the extraordinary measures it has taken to contain the outbreak, despite the severe social and economic impact those measures are having on the Chinese people.” End of quote.

With these words, it is important to remember that this very man originally belonged to a terrorist Marxist-Leninist People's Liberation Front, one that maintains close ties with Red China. We have reported about this sufficiently on Kla.TV.

( The dark side of the WHO Director-General)

There would be infinitely more to say about each point, of course, but these few facts alone fulfill the 3rd sect criterion: Sects have an (institutionalized or informal) control mechanism to monitor the behavior of their members.
4)Sects have an elitist consciousness regarding their own organization.

For decades now, the WEF and Klaus Schwab have been indisputably involved in shaping the world economically and geopolitically. For years, the red carpet has been rolled out in Davos for so many heads of state who then ordered the “Corona measures”. Do you understand?!
At the WEF meetings, political content was and is both being discussed as well as controlled, and it is not only through these conferences that the WEF influences national politics. With its (talent incubator) "Young Global Leaders Program", the WEF is breeding leaders around the world and then logically exerts a corresponding influence on them.
Sects have an elitist perception when it comes to their own organization, this is what point 4 teaches us.

Let’s name just two members of these programs from Germany’s elite ‘forge’: The Green Party's chancellor candidate, Annalena Baerbock, and Health Minister Jens Spahn. In other words, this private club is about forging elitist political heavyweights. That’s the point. Moreover, as early as March 2020, the WEF backed all kinds of illegal orders that were then simply being enforced worldwide.

Because Klaus Schwab comes together with all kinds of elitist figures in politics and also breeds elitist figures, these are key personalities who therefore bear a lot of responsibility for this global catastrophe, such as what we have been experiencing since 2020.

Here is a comparison: The nations once decided to separate church and state from one another.
They did so because the church had infiltrated politics and raised sectarian claims on the world as a whole, so to say.
So, likewise as well, it is time to disentangle and separate this dominant group from the state again as it has already been exposed to be an economic sect by the sect criteria. 5) Sects ensure an inside-outside division, including a depreciation of the outside world as well as a systematic depreciation of members’ previous lives.

What comes across from the WEF under the hypocritical alias of "public-private partnership", or PPP for short, is in fact a fission fungus of first quality. In his book "Covid-19: The Great Reset", Klaus Schwab uses clever rhetorical tricks to set the mood against the entire middle class and advertises for "public-private partnerships." These PPP - among other things – however, lead to conformity or the destruction and disappearance of the entire small and medium-sized business (that is the affliction in there) – as well as to the permanent surveillance of companies by the manipulated state, to the increasing prevention of any competition, and this way of course, also to the reduction in quality of the offer and to the weakening of any local administration. In other words, PPPs are quasi monopolies that are assigned by the state to private, large companies and consequently also protected from any competition as well.
As a reminder, we are in the process of assessing world politics entangled with private interests in the light of the 5th point of the sect criteria: “Sects ensure an inside-outside-division, including a depreciation of the outside world.”
Within the current Covid policy, this devaluating inside-outside division is expressed in such a way - let’s switch on level four - that entire parliaments have been suspended as a result of an imposed emergency law.
How come? Quite simply, I only have to insert the influence of advisory governmental infection control authorities, which themselves, however, do not have any governmental mandates, but only an advisory status - and there you go. So, a fifth element, what reaches the legally bound implementers, i.e. our health offices and directorates, justice, police, education, etc., is purely a "private product" from its core that has manipulated its way through seduced governments and particularly past mandated parliaments. So let’s look at the 7th and 8th element of this pyramid: And for us as a people, the whole absurdity arrives media-poisoned, media-filtered, because, as you know, almost all main media outlets of this world are in the same hands of these mentioned business sects.

But now back to Schwab and Co. with their ultimate interests – what are their final goals? In fact, Schwab in contagious fanaticism, is manipulating a kind of controlled collapse of the entire old economic system all over the world and its reconstruction with PPPs bypassing our elected leaders.
How? With his famous “Great Reset” program, which he, together with his elites, wants to impose on the whole world. That’s how he does it. The 5th sect criterion notes in the 2nd paragraph: Sects ensure a systematic depreciation of the previous life. Well, if the Great Reset is not a devaluation of all previous life, then what is it? Do you understand? I say: Great Reset, yes, but not with us – not with us – Great Reset maybe just with /these elitist economic circles who deliberately, with sectarian calculation, want to specifically degrade the rest of the world to becoming their economic slaves. These we can reset to zero.
../these elitist economic circles who deliberately want to enslave the whole world with sectarian calculation, these circles who aim at degrading the rest of humanity to becoming their econimic slaves. These we can reset to zero.

From a self-description of the WEF on its website (source:, mission, retrieved on: April 27, 2021) it is unmistakably clear that this is nothing less than an unholy alliance of the state and large corporations – at the expense of all small and medium-sized businesses!

That is why we talk about it. Thus the 5th sect criterion is also perfectly fulfilled, while there would be 1,000 more confirming factors to be discussed. Those who finally do not want to lose their future liberties to a pharmaceutical and economic sect, must demand an immediate end to the submission of our entire system to these private sect fantasies, these cravings and sect structures. Let’s defend ourselves!

6) Endogamy prevails in sects, i.e. a prohibition or condemnation of heart relationships with outsiders.

We are currently witnessing a very real persecution of all free movements that show an interest in a thorough search for truth – from peace movements to religious ones, or right-wing oriented parties, etc. – you know the story – the outlawing of relationships with people outside the mindset of political correctness is striking. All such harsh censorships reveal a clear parallel to the Chinese model, as revealed at Event 201: (Express Zeitung Issue 33, July 2020, p. 100 108).

Here a few quotes of fictional news anchors and experts of 201
(Express Zeitung Issue 33, July 2020, p. 100 108)
 1) (Mit Vollbild von jeweils etwas rauen Stimmen lesen lassen)
"Alarming news emerging from social media companies today about the CAPS pandemic. Twitter and Facebook are reporting: They have identified and deleted a disturbing number of accounts dedicated to spreading disinformation about the outbreak."
(Express Zeitung Issue 33, July 2020, p. 100 108).

A fictional reporter from the fictional TV station GNN at Event 201: “Countries are reacting in different ways as to how best to manage the overwhelming amounts of dis-, and mis-information circulating over the Internet. In some cases, limited internet shutdowns are being implemented to quell panic.”

(ExpressZeitung issue 33, July 2020, S. 100 108  3) A fictional expert for social media on TV broadcast station GNN at Event 201

"If the solution means controlling and reducing access to information, I think it’s the right choice."

For better orientation, let me remind you that what we are doing is to measure current world politics in the light of the 6th point of the sect criteria, which is that sects are dominated by endogamy, such as heart relationships with people on the outside are prohibited or outlawed.

(ExpressZeitung issue 33, July 2020, S. 100 108  Matthew Harrington, representative of Edelmann, largest PR agency in the world: "Social media platforms have to step forward and acknowledge that the days when they were only a technology platform and not an information broadcaster - are over. They need to participate in disseminating accurate information, partnering with the scientific and health communities to counterweight – if not flood the zone – of accurate information, because trying to put the genie back into the bottle of misinformation/disinformation is nigh impossible.”

(ExpressZeitung issue 33, July 2020, S. 109  5)

Lavan Thiru, representative of Singapore's central bank, said at the 201 event:
"One thing we haven't spoken about - and I am wondering whether it's time to talk about this - is a step up from the part of the governments on enforcement actions against fake news."

(ExpressZeitung issue 33, July 2020, S. 109  6)

A communications expert:
"National governments are considering or have already implemented a range of interventions to combat misinformation. Some governments have taken control of national access to the Internet. Others are censoring websites and social media content.
And a small number have shut down Internet access completely to prevent the spread of misinformation. Penalties have been put in place for spreading harmful falsehoods including arrests."

Where only opinions from a single viewpoint are tolerated, there is clearly a cult, according to the sect criteria.
Hasti Taghi, vice presidentf of the mass-media conglomerate NBC Universal, said at Event 201: I quote:
“…obviously trust in pharmaceuticals and governments is very important at this moment.”
End of quote.
Did I just mishear this? So much for the sectarian ties to the media as 4th power of the state whose representative describes it here as their duty to build trust with large corporations and governments. I say again: Did I mishear?
Shouldn't a true press do the exact opposite? Shouldn’t it report freely and critically, especially critically! - as the highest corrective for governments and their partnerships - in particular with wealthy and powerful private individuals?
You see, the exact opposite is propagated here.

Conclusion: The entire group is showing off as the ministry of truth. I have no other words for it. They tell us what legitimate sources are and what are not, what is disinformation and what is truth, so this is imposed and monitored from above.
We cannot accept that. Isn’t this pure and simple sectarianism, which, moreover, is based on Chinese tyranny?! You understand? 7) A sect ensures that their members are engaging a great amount of their time.

And I say: Every minute of the day wearing compulsory masks, tests, quarantines, curfews, issuing orders, regulations in all companies, schools, institutions all over the world – right into every family and the smallest cell of life, yes, nonstop right into the smallest personal everyday life! 24/7! Indeed also the seventh point truly reveals the forces at work here: A sect ensures that their members are engaging a great amount of their time.
8) A sect also ensures that the financial resources of its members are used extensively, among other things.

There is this WEF video from 2016 called “8 Predictions for the World in 2030”. At first you see the artificially and brightly designed globe in the space, in front of a radiantly rising sun. Then a nice and trustworthy guy appears and beams at the audience. He has very soft, almost feminine facial features. Accompanied with slightly mysterious music, this soothing voice conveys the ultimate, all dispossessing future prediction, sounding like a mere declaration of love: “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.” So that’s how the people who have just been exposed in point 8 want to create our future. We shall own nothing at all and still be happy. Super. I quote once again: “Whatever you want you’ll rent,” it continues. There it is again: “A sect also ensures that the financial resources of its members are extensively used among other things.” That’s it.
But goods and commodities that seem to belong to all, actually truly won’t belong to anyone - or respectively to those who control the distribution on top of the renting system. That’s what the truth looks like, do you understand? A sharing economy is therefore nothing else than a new version of ancient Marxist cravings that have already ruined or brought into slavery entire countries in the last century. If only those Marxist leaders could finally say: “Everything that is mine is also yours.” I say the entire thing would work perfectly. But as long as they demand: “All that is yours, is also mine,” - wanting to seize things - their sharing economy will continue to destroy everything.
If an institution is a sect or not, in the end doesn’t depend on its size but only on whether it is focused more on itself than on the common good. That is the point with a sect. Even a state, if it hasn’t the common good in mind but has itself first can therefore become a sect. We have to learn this from this talk. Please learn this.

I will end here: How trustworthy are all those people and institutions who concoct arbitrary plans behind closed doors that bring them huge advantages above all at the expense of the common good? Analogous to the separation of church and state, a separation between private economy and state must urgently be achieved, the way we discussed now, urgently. Put an end to all those secret society games which are at the expense of all of us! No more waste of our tax money for the protection of private multi-billionaires! No more partnerships between our government officials and those world infiltrators. I don’t have other words for them.
A final word: There are money forgers, document forgers, art forgers and so on who have made millions with their forgeries for centuries. In conclusion, I ask: Could it be possible that those sectarian-minded people we talked about are capable of forging vaccinations as well? Saline solutions or whatever? It was already proven that the self-involved Big Pharma secretly forged vaccines with, for example sterilizing elements. We reported about this. We now know how to check gold, documents and banknotes, but how can we actually check billions of vaccine doses? Protect small glass vials from forgery? Either way I say: No more blind trust in financial sects! No more financing of multi-billionaires with our tax money! No more compulsory-levy media that have sunk to the level of propaganda media of the sectarian pharma and global financial elites! Put an end to all this stuff! This is my plea.

I am Ivo Sasek who has been standing before God for 44 years.

from IS.
EXPRESS ZEITUNG, Ausgaben 32 und 33/2020
EXPRESS ZEITUNG, Ausgabe 40/2021

Klaus Schwab und Terry Mahler in ihrem Buch »Covid-19: Great Reset«, deutsche Version, 2020,

Website des WEF:

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