New Research Reveals Surprising Key to Better Quality Sleep

2 months ago

Research shows that increased physical activity during the day improves sleep quality and reduces tiredness, emphasizing the importance of exercise for a good night’s rest.

Early riser or night owl, everyone appreciates a good night’s sleep. But despite the best of intentions, quality sleep can elude us, sometimes to the point where it can contribute to serious health issues.

Now, a world-first study from the University of South Australia shows that getting a good night’s sleep is tied to how you structure your day, with exercise at the heart of sleep quality.

Study Findings: Activity Levels and Sleep
The study examined different components of time use and different aspects of sleep among 1168 children (average age 12 years) and 1360 adults (their parents, average age 44 years, mainly mothers) the study found that children and adults with higher levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity had less troubled sleep, reduced tiredness, and better sleep quality.

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