
1 year ago

3/6/2024 [Taiwan's SET News] While the CCP loudly proclaims a 5% GDP growth target, the case of Ma Yijiayi has ironically come to light: Chinese businesswoman Ma Yijiayi, who is owed hundreds of millions of dollars by the local government, was arrested when she went to collect her debt, exposing a local government debt growth rate exceeding 300%
#CCP #TakedowntheCCP #caseofMaYijiayi
3/6/2024【三立新闻】中共国高喊GDP增速维持在5%的目标的同时却讽刺爆出马艺珈伊案 :中国女企业家马艺珈伊遭地方政府拖欠数亿款项,上门讨债却遭逮捕,曝光当地政府债务增长率超过300%
#中共 #消灭中共 #马艺珈伊案

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