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Nuland Unmasked

11 months ago

Does Victoria Nuland's resignation and the recent deaths of Kissinger and Rothschild mean a changing of the guard or a new level of the Dark Arts? I examine five videos on the latter, and then repost my video from two years ago, when Ukraine was a neocon dream and Nuland was a cherubic devil in a blue dress-suit. It sees Nuland as the Harry Potter villainess, Dolores Umbridge, back from Azkaban where she was sent for crimes against humanity (aka Muggles). She's now wreaking havoc from NATO to Iraq, Afghanistan to Libya, Syria to the Iron Maidan of Ukraine. I examine false-flag dementor/sniper attacks, horcruxes as WMD's, and Voldemort as world death. I explain the relevance of the NATO agreement, the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, and the Budapest Memorandum. I end with a lesson from a 1947 Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Dorothy L. Sayer, on why "whole classes and nations are hypnotized by the arts of the spell binder" because we don't know how to decipher words and use logic to resist propaganda.

My book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vision/dp/1733347607

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • I love this comparison! As always, thoughtful and creative. Thanks for expanding.