Democrats Implement Stop And Frisk Of People Of Color By Soldiers Holding Very Scary Weapons Of War

3 months ago

One thing Conservative Twitter Icon 'RedSteeze' is going to do is keep receipts and hold journalists and pundits accountable. As New York Governor Kathy Hochul calls up the National Guard to help with security in the subway, Redsteeze reflected on the 'The New York Times' opinion page back when Senator Tom Cotton suggested New York do just that.

Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze: “How we doing @nytopinion? How many apologies is Tom Cotton owed now?”

The National Guard and 250 additional police officers will carry out random bag checks and help patrol New York City’s subway system amid a spike in high-profile crimes, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul announced on Wednesday.

• More at: Twitchy - Conservative Twitter Icon Redsteeze Says 'The New York Times' Owes Tom Cotton a Big Time Apology

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