Trump Made Our Political Choice Clear

5 months ago

I used to think that Donald Trump’s greatest accomplishment was banishing the Clintons from the political landscape. I was wrong. Sidelining the Clinton grifters is a distant second to his greatest feat -- showing us, in the starkest possible way, the political choice that we face. He has drawn the radicals into the open, to show us what they have been working towards since the administration of Barack Obama.

I’m an unapologetic Trump supporter, but even I must admit that he makes it easy for some to dislike him. He’s everything the social justice warriors insist that we despise. He’s a white male multi-billionaire who had a privileged childhood. He has a jaded history with the ladies, and is inclined to get into verbal battles that would be better avoided. In other words: he’s just as flawed as the rest of us. But I’m beginning to realize that his unlikability to some is actually his superpower. He causes the Left to act out a self-destructive demonstration of their corrosiveness to the American experiment.

The radicals falsely perceive Trump’s personality as a weakness, drawing them into attacks that reveal their true nature. He’s the cheese, which temps the rats into the transparency trap. He triggers them into openly demonstrating their utter disregard for basic fairness and the rule of law -- things which most Americans still hold dear. Blinded by their hatred, the radicals can’t see that their actions offend most Americans, and result in unintended consequences.

The Left demonizes Trump without realizing that we don’t judge him by the contents of his heart. That’s God’s jurisdiction. We only care about his deeds -- which have been 100 percent beneficial to the citizens of the United States.

We also don’t care about what’s in the hearts of his opponents. We instead are judging them by their deeds, and we’re finding those deeds very disturbing. They have:

Trashed our civil rights,
Corrupted any notion of due process,
Weaponized the government against its citizens, and
Destroyed civil debate (i.e., calling opponents fascists).
It was all done to crush one man -- with no acknowledgement of the individual liberties which the Constitution guarantees.

The attorney general of New York, Letitia James, found a friendly judge and got a $464.5 million settlement and a suspension of Trump’s right to do business in New York. He was found guilty of defrauding banks, who claim they weren’t defrauded -- making it a victimless crime, if it was a crime at all. The Left attacked (action) and MAGA grew (unintended consequence).

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