Jena 'Crazy Eyes' Griswold Strikes Again On Trump Decision, Shows Why She Should Be Disqualified

3 months ago

Whoever can figure out how to keep Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold off television would be doing humanity a great service. Within hours of getting destroyed by a 9-0 decision from the Supreme Court stating that she can't unilaterally and arbitrarily remove Donald Trump from her state's ballot, Griswold went on MSNBC. That appearance didn't go well, with the most noteworthy aspect of it being the "crazy eyes" she demonstrated throughout the interview with Katy Tur. Griswold was back for more on Tuesday morning, this time heading to the friendly confines of "Morning Joe." Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D) is back on MSNBC because…I guess she's a masochist and likes spending her free time fear-mongering about Republicans.

“I'm disappointed in the decision. I think states like Colorado deserve to have the choice to keep oathbreaking insurrectionists off of our ballot. And there's larger implications for federal insur — or insurrectionists running for federal office under this decision. Super Tuesday, everything's going great in Colorado. I assume we're going to have great elections across the nation. And just encourage your voters to make their voices heard. Democracy is on the ballot this year. There are so many crucial issues that Americans can weigh in on, and we do that at the polls.” -- Again, her job is to count votes, that's it. Here she is demanding people vote blue.

Griswold's job is to be an impartial administrator of her state's elections. Yet, she continues to use highly partisan language regarding them, going so far as to suggest that "democracy" will cease to exist if her chosen candidate doesn't win. Does anyone have any faith this lady will do her job properly when she out there fluffing MSNBC hosts, trying to convince people the nation's system of government will collapse if Trump wins? I realize she's an elected official and thus can rail about what she wants, by her comments should be disqualifying. Clearly, she can't be trusted to administer her state's elections when she is essentially trying to rig one of them. Griswold's attempt to remove Trump from the ballot was an "ends justify the means" act of authoritarianism, and one only stopped by the nation's highest court.

Later in the interview, Griswold suggested that roving bands of MAGA voters are putting the lives of election officials in danger. Serial plagiarist and deranged white liberal implicitly fear-monger voters into thinking MAGA voters are trying to kill poll workers. Mike Barnicle: “Secretary Griswold, have you had to — town by town, city by city, county by county in Colorado make any extra preventive security measures to protect poll workers?”

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D): “Unfortunately, in Colorado we have seen a lot of threats to election officials and predominantly, to tell you the truth, elected election officials, myself, county clerks, people in our offices. And, yes, we have really focused on physical security since actually 2021, to tell you the truth. That includes legislative changes. I led a law making it a crime to open carry close to voting. We made it a crime to dox or retaliate against election workers. I also led the nation’s first law making it a felony to compromise voting equipment. And then I just announced last week $3.5 million for counties to further increase their physical security and access for voters.”

The go-to for all corrupt Democrats is to claim that they are facing "threats." It's like a get-out-corruption-free card for them. It doesn't matter how much they abuse their power, if someone sends them a mean email, that becomes the story. Griswold is trying to deflect from the fact that she got caught trying to rig the election. In short, "Democracy" is not on the ballot as Griswold claims. Rather, the ballot is "democracy," and it does not cease to exist just because some wild-eyed, far-left secretary of state doesn't get her way. Voters get to vote.

RedState: Jena 'Crazy Eyes' Griswold Strikes Again on Trump Decision, Shows Why She Should Be Disqualified

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