What is Fake Spirituality and How to Recognize It - HOW TO RECOGNIZE FAKE SPIRITUAL GURUS

14 days ago

When does spirituality become toxic? How to recognize false spirituality and fake gurus? How to incorporate spirituality into our lives without it becoming an obsession?

We live in a strange world where we can no longer understand what is real or not, we live among social media, conspiracy theories, and real facts so surreal that they seem fictional. There is anger and frustration, and we all think we know the truth about what is happening around us, but in reality, none of us really knows anything. It's a world where we all become "know-it-alls" in search of approval, and in this total chaos, we also drag down our spirituality and the true meaning of life.

Hello there, we are Daniel Velhas and Paola Borrescio, The Occult Seekers, welcome to our podcast!

Are you seeking a deeper understanding of the world around you? Are you on a quest for spiritual growth and personal transformation?

On this podcast, we embark on a profound exploration of the spiritual and the esoteric occult realm, inviting you to join us on a transformative path toward self-discovery and enlightenment. Our podcast is dedicated to sharing our personal experiences in spirituality and personal growth.

We are a passionate team of spiritual and occult seekers committed to helping you navigate your own spiritual journey.

We explore the light and the shadow of things to give you everything you need to connect with your higher purpose in life.

Thank you for being a part of our spiritual family. We are honored to walk alongside you on this extraordinary path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.


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