🎬 Episode 2: First Podium
🎬 Episode 1: What Makes Unaligned Church & Unaligned Academy Different From The Rest?

🎬 Episode 1: What Makes Unaligned Church & Unaligned Academy Different From The Rest?

7 months ago

UA’s Mission Statement: "We pledge to provide accurate, factual canon books of the Book to our seekers while they study here. We will always expose the false "books" and reject false doctrines of people and human-made religions from our program, Kódikas Eptá (Code 7). We will never force our views/opinions/beliefs of the 266 onto a seeker nor shall we berate or discriminate against seekers who do not agree with the 266. Ever seeker is allowed to make their own conclusion of what they learn and will never be judged for their acceptance or rejection of the whole Book. UA exists to provide to provide truth and shall never attempt to convert seekers or outsiders to our way of life or thinking in the name of our passion to spread awareness of the truth concerning the 266 books."

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