Whats the biggest Lie about Increasing Sales in business?

4 months ago

🙉Whats the biggest Lie about Increasing Sales in business?

Not tracking your outputs is the dumbest thing.

When I first started out in business I had the responsibility of multiple roles.
A small team, Virtual Assistants, designers and sales etc
So time was limited for tracking results.

So i thought, I would record things when business got better and I had more time.
But what actually ended up happening is that as I grew I never gained more time for tracking results and thats where I hit a ceiling on my income.

But what I soon realised was that If I didnt track my sales pipeline.
I would continue to hit average results.

There’s a saying where your attention goes energy flows.
Meaning If I put my attention on the activities that actually led to sales growth.
Then I could increase my sales.

So I switched to monitoring my outputs daily and weekly.
The number of posts i would publish on social media
The number of leads I generated
The number of prospect conversations I had
The number of offers I put out each week
The number of sales calls I had and
The number that converted

And what I realised is that if you and your team track your sales pipeline.
Your business will grow way beyond what you thought possible

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