“The Prophetic Two-Minute Warning” • Sunday Service

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“The Prophetic Two-Minute Warning” • Sunday Service

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In this pivotal moment of history, we stand on the precipice of a great moment of decision. Things could go one of two ways. It’s not going to be a politician that saves us. The spotlight is on the church.

The Body of Christ is the only buffer to the evil that is being planned and perpetrated right now. We are in a massive spiritual battle of light versus darkness. There is no fence-sitting. We are either hot or cold, in or out.

A great end-time harvest of souls and move of God is at hand, while many wicked plans are also in play. The days, weeks, and months ahead will be intense and unpredictable at times. We must be deeply rooted in our faith and unshakable.

The Spirit of God is moving mightily across the earth, igniting hearts with holy fire and stirring souls with prophetic urgency. As Christians, we are uniquely positioned to discern the signs of the times and to respond with fervent prayer and Holy Spirit empowerment.

The “two-minute warning” has sounded in the realm of the Spirit, signaling the climax of God's redemptive plan and the imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Yet, while we are still here, we must occupy until He comes and get as many people saved, set free, healed, and delivered as possible.

As on the football field, when the two-minute warning is sounded, it means that every second counts. It’s go-time! This is what we have been made for. The best players must be on the field and every move is critical. It’s not a time for weariness, apathy, complacency, doubt, or fear…but rather a time to be sober-minded, discerning, bold, disciplined, focused, spiritually astute, on fire - to get our strategy from Heaven and carry it out with precision!

Just as the early disciples were baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, so too are we called to be filled afresh, on fire, operating with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in these last days.

We must trust God and have strong faith.

Despite the many egregious things we are seeing in our nation and world, we also see the evidence of God's hand at work in the world around us – in miraculous signs & wonders, healings, and deliverances, in prophetic revelations and divine encounters, in the outpouring of spiritual gifts and the undercurrent of revival and a great awakening: The Holy Spirit is moving in unprecedented ways, preparing the Bride of Christ for her glorious union with the Bridegroom.

Yet, amidst the signs and wonders, we also discern the many schemes of the enemy seeking to deceive, distract, and divide the body of Christ. Deception is rampant and many are being led astray. We must not be deceived.

We must be vigilant in prayer, discerning of spirits, and anchored in the truth of God's Word. The enemy may roar like a lion, but the Spirit within us is greater, empowering us to stand firm in the face of opposition and to advance the kingdom of God with boldness and authority.

Now is not the time for spiritual lethargy or complacency. Now is the time for hunger, radical obedience, and relentless pursuit of God's presence.

Let us press in deeper, pray with greater fervency, and worship with uninhibited passion.

For the Spirit of the Lord says, "Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you" (Ephesians 5:14).

As we embrace our identity as sons and daughters of the Most High God, filled with the Holy Spirit and commissioned for kingdom purpose, let us go forth with confidence and courage.

Let us be vessels of revival and transformation, carrying the fire of God's love to the ends of the earth.

For the prophetic two-minute warning is sounding, and the Bridegroom is coming soon. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus, come!

It’s the two minute warning. ⚠️ Are you all in?


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