Episode 177: “Sure Feels Good” 19 November 2023 WGY6@6 - Patriot Playtime

1 year ago

This episode will educate and entertain - you will enjoy the personalities and stories of our two guests, Tracy LaPorte and artist, John Swat. Tracy has a finger on the pulse of all action in Texas and beyond, and she is excited to share with everyone. Her mission is near and dear to her heart, and it is not an easy story to tell. There are many aspects to this woman, and you will not want to miss the opportunity to listen to her wisdom.
John Swat is an amazing performer, and his voice is the best! He has some great music coming up and will be releasing a new album at the beginning of January. We will be in touch with him and playing his music on the WeP3 Radio station very soon! John plays three songs for us, 1.Sure Feels Good, 2. Red, White and Blue Eyes - Patriotic and for the ladies 🙂 “Lights me up like the 4th of July ..” – awesome song! 3. Red Mexico - Awesome closing song, of course everyone wants to hang in Mexico with their friends and family!

The WeP3 team of Mark, Andrea and Jonathan has been working hard to put things together in a fun and informative way, with the goal to help all in getting involved. We love to hear the raw stories and the raw songs from our guests, as they share their stories of service and selfless support to keep our country and communities safe.
The People’s Patriot Project exists to be the shock and awe when combating the deadly and invisible enemy that is killing our heroes. If tonight’s show Sure Feels Good to you, we will move forward with our Devotion to Duty, and with our boots on and ready to serve those who have served. WE are ready to Be a part OF, not apart FROM, and WE will conquer the world of PTSD and suicide of our service people. Remembering is not enough, and there is strength in asking for help. Our guests inspire our listeners to continue the mission they need to better themselves every day and to move forward in helping, supporting and empowering those who are still with us and remembering those who are not. Even when times are at their worst - These Colors Don’t Run!!

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