The Holy Spirit Part I - 02/25/2024 | The Godhead Series |

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Elder Justin Broby

The Holy Spirit - Part I -

I - Who Is The Holy Spirit? -
(Where Do We See References To Him Specifically In Scripture?)
(Matthew 3.16-17) Matthew 28.19-20) (John 14.16-18) (Ephesians 1.13-14) (2 Corinthians 5.5) (John 14.20)

Holy Spirit As A Person...We Can:
Grieve Him - (Eph 4.30)
Lie To Him - (Acts 5.3-4)
Quench him - (1 Thess 5.19-22)
Resist Him - (Acts 7.51)
Insult Him - (Heb 10.29)
Strive/Contend With Him - (Gen 6.3)
Reject Him - (1 Thess 4.8)
Blaspheme Him - (Mark 3.28-29)

We Can Also:
Hear & Obey Him - (Rev 2.7)
Be Led By Him - (Rom 8.14)
Walk With Him & In Him - (Gal 5.25) (Rom 8.4)

II - How Is He Distinct From The Father & The Son? -
(How Does He Function Uniquely)
(2 Corinthians 1.21-22)

What The Holy Spirit Did For Jesus:
Conceived Him - (Luke 1.35)
Anointed Him - (Matthew 3.16)
Led Him Into The Wilderness - (Matthew 4.1)
Empowered Him To Be A Prophet - (Luke 4.18-19)
Empowered Him To Drive Out Demons - (Matt 12.28-29)
Empowered Him To Endure Suffering - (Heb 9.14-15)
Raised Him From The Dead - (Rom 1.4) (Rom 8.11) (1 Tim 3.16)'

What The Holy Spirit Has Done For Us As Believers:
Made us Born Again - (John 3.1-8)
Gives Us Life & Sets Us Free From Sin & Death - (Rom 8.2) (Rom 8.11) (2 Cor 3.17-18)
Receive Him As A Gift - (Luke 11.13) (Acts 2.38)
Lives Within Us - (1 Cor 6.17) (1 Cor 3.16)
Sealed To Salvation By Him - (Eph 1.13) (2 Cor 1.22-23)

What The Holy Spirit Continues To Do For Us:
Teaches Us - (John 14.26)
Reminds Us - (John 14.26)
Testifies To Who Christ Is - (John 15.26)
Compels Us - (Acts 20.22)
Helps Us To Pray - (Rom 8.26-27)
Helps Us To Resist Sin - (Rom 8.13) (Gal 5.16)
Gives Us Assurance of Our Salvation/Adoption To Sonship - (Gal 4.6-7) (Rom 8.14-17)
Empowers Us - (Eph 3.16)

(Philippians 2.13) (2 Corinthians 1.21-22) (Luke 11.9-13) (Psalm 145.18) (1 Chronicles 16.11)

III - Baptism of The Holy Spirit
(If The Holy Spirit Lives In Me At Salvation Why Do I Need To Be Baptized By The Holy Spirit?)
(Acts 1.4-8) (Act 1.8) (1 Cor 13.1-2) (Matt 7.21) (Matt 7.22-23)
(Matt 6.10) (Eph 1.3-14) (1 Cor 2.1-13)

What Is The Will of God In Scripture?
1. That All People Would Be Saved - (2 Pet 3.9) (1 Tim 2.4)
2. To Give Thanks In All Circumstances - (1 Thess 5.16-22)
3. That We Be Sanctified & Do Good - (1 Thess 4.3-8) (1 Pet 2.15)
4. To Rejoice In Suffering - (1 Pet 4.12-19)
5. That We Be Filled With The Holy Spirit - (Eph 5.17-20)

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