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Gematria Chariot Energy Vlog

11 months ago

Gematria Chariot Energy Vlog title is from the date February 24, 20214 thus 34 which adds to # 7 The Chariot Card with its swift movement and need to take charge. Bematria is from the gemar tria calculator where I used the phrase (Chariot under a Virgo Moon) since we are currently in a virgo full moon. the phrase it came up with or the one I chose was I am that I am the eye of Infinity.

I shared a clip from Facebook reelos it was from a Cia tv piece on the Younger Dryas period where a asteroid from the break up of Tiamat struck a two mile deep ice sheet on the north american continent there is plenty of evidence for this asteroid strike that lead to the great flood and the disappearance of atlantis.

this gave me another gematria phrase (Tiamat younger dryas) which gives us Dead Lizard Queen Elizabeth.

I drew two card from the Starseed Oracle deck, they were the Inner Eaarth card thusu you'll survive this. and New Solutions and beginnings. The second was the Big Picture Thinking card thus Pleiades Energy; Visionary and Inspired ideas.
Gematria calculator site:
Space Weather News site:


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  • Mmm interesting 🤔 I was working last night & saw that 🌙moon 🌙 when they show pictures of the moon from space it looks like a little dot millions of miles away 💁‍♂️ yet last night it looked very close 🤷‍♂️ me thinks there's another lie here somewhere 💁‍♂️ maybe the cards could aluminate 🤷‍♂️ the info on the dark layer they found around the world 🌎 I leen towards jaydreamers info which resonates with me 🙋‍♂️ keep it coming 👍

  • By the way do you mind if I leave a lengthy comment or any at all 💁‍♂️ just wondering I don't want to hog the attention 🤷‍♂️ & no one else seems to say out 🤷‍♂️ many thanks 👍