20240223 Day 684 Part-1 - LifeFitness Bike Conditioning,

1 year ago

20240223 Day 684 Part-1
LifeFitness Bike Conditioning,
30Km/18.66Mi Distance Goal,
Sub-52:00 Minutes Time Goal @25Km/15.55Mi,
Level-14 resistance,
295-298 Watts FTP/Avg,
BW: 155.6Lbs/70.727Kg,
4.170-4.213 Watts/Kg FTP/Avg,
20:04, 248Kcal @10Km/6.22Mi First Checkpoint,
40:22, 491Kcal @20Km/12.44Mi Second Checkpoint,
50:42, 613Kcal @25Km/15.55 Third Checkpoint,
61:10, 733Kcal @30Km/18.66Mi Endpoint,
25Km/15.55Mi Distance/Time Goal Attained,
30Km/18.66Mi Distance Goal Attained
Of the bikes so far this week, ALL were 30Km for 150Km in 5 sessions, 3 of which were under an hour. I’m slowly getting adapted to this slightly larger conditioning volume. It’ll be interesting to see the training effect transfer on the shorter, higher power output sessions on the Precor model bike when I’m back Texas sidev
It’s all one big, ongoing experiment to create the best Super Soldier I can be. That’s what makes the process so fun 🤩
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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