You Host Every Thought You Think

2 months ago

March 19 - You Host Every Thought You Think
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We are in a constant state of programming ourselves with every thought we think. The synapses in our brains that react and correspond with our thought patterns will fire more and more quickly and begin to “gel” the more they are used. The more our thoughts are repeated, regardless of how bad, guilty, sad or angry they “make” us feel, the more they will become who we think we are. The truth in us is love. Everything else is just a program that we have been taught to see, accept and reinforce as real. Our programmed or ego-self is not us, no matter how natural and normal it may feel. We are forever One with God, because God is Love and All, and we are His creations. Yet, thanks to free will, we can hide this truth from ourselves. Equally so, we can use free will to more fully absorb, accept and radiate God’s love.

Today, let us pay very close attention to the thoughts that we are allowing to enter our minds. Let us make a very special effort to only allow in and support thoughts that align us with Love, with God. Equally so, let us make a concerted effort to stop thoughts at our mind’s gate that are not loving in nature. By doing so, we start to get a better understanding of how much real power and control we have over our thoughts. The more conscious control we have over the thoughts we think, the easier it is to create the life we want. It is we who control the quality of the life we live. The thoughts that we entertain and support either poison and pollute, or bring peace and prosperity, to our minds, and thus to the way we see and participate in this world.
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