Core Exercise: vertical toe touch

3 months ago

Exercise: Vertical Toe Touches
Equipment: No equipment
Movement Type: Core
Body Focus: Core, Lower Body

Start this move by lying flat on your back on the floor/mat in a bent-knee position with feet placed firmly on the floor and arms at your sides. Draw the abs into the lower back and keep chin off the chest. Slowly lift both feet off the floor, extending your knees until your thighs are aligned perpendicular with the floor, allowing your toes to point away from your body. Position your hands on your thighs without lifting your shoulder blades off the floor/mat. As you exhale, contract your abdominals to curl your trunk, lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, slowly sliding your hands down your thighs towards your ankles. Maintain your head position aligned with your upper spine and avoid flexing your head too far forward. Press your low back into the floor/mat. Continue curling upward until your (shoulder blades) lift completely off the floor and hold this up-position briefly for 2-3 seconds then slowly return downwards to your starting position and repeat the movement. To maximize the benefits for your core it is very important to control your movement speed, keep your thighs aligned vertically and roll your trunk slowly upwards and downwards during the exercise.

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