Being of Service by Being Your Truest Self

11 months ago

March 14 - Being of Service by Being Your Truest Self
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Today, let us practice being of service to others by simply extending and expressing our truest self. Our truest self is the love that our Creator created us to be. Let us set aside the concepts of chance and coincidence, and recall that because our journeys are a sacred co-creation with God, we are always where we are needed. Where we are is where God needs us. If we are before other beings, it is because God is entrusting us with His children. If God trusts us with His children, then we should no longer doubt ourselves. Out of close to 8 billion people, God has for a time united us with them. The Divine understands that together we can help each other achieve a greater sense of self-awareness and reach a higher level of consciousness. Every person who is in front of us is truly God’s gift.

Today, let us recall that service is love put into action. Anytime we are being of service, we are being who we were created to be. There are numerous ways we can be of service, and by doing so, help us reinforce our union with God. Today, let us see each and every person that is presented to us as an opportunity to unite with God. By serving any part of the Divine, any of God’s creations, we serve God. Today, before any interaction, consciously unite with God and your loving essence and nature. Then ask the Divine what expression of love you are here to offer. When you are kind, compassionate, forgiving and understanding, you are being and beaming the truth in you. When you listen without judgment, offer hope to those feeling hopeless or joy to those who are sad, you are representing the truth in you, God on Earth.
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