Part-4 Biography hazrat khalid bin walid | سیرت حضرت خالد بن الولید رضی اللہ عنہ

1 year ago

Part-4 Biography hazrat khalid bin walid سیرت حضرت خالد بن الولید رضی اللہ عنہ
Asslamoalaikum, sisters brothers and friends we are discribing biography of Sahabierasool HAZRAT KHAALID IBN AL-WALID,Part-4

Khaalid`s scouts whom he planted everywhere warned him against the enormity of the armies that were organized by the commanders of Persia in Iraq. As usual, Khaalid did not waste much time. Therefore, he flung his soldiers against the falsehood of disbelief so as to devastate it.

Victory followed him wherever he went, from Al-Ubullah, to As-Sadiir,An-Najaf, Al-Hiirah, Al- Anbaar then Al-Kaadhimiyah. There was one victoryprocession after another. The glad tidings of Khaalid's arrival blew likea fresh breeze wherever he went to usher in Islam. The weak and oppressedpeople found sanctuary in the new religion that saved them from the occupationand oppression of the Persians.

It was impressive that Khaalid's first order to his troops was, "Do not attack or hurt the peasants.
Leave them to work at peace unless some of them attack you. Only then, I permit you to defend yourselves".

He marched on with his victorious army, swept his enemies, and cut through their ranks like a knife cutting through melting butter. The Aadhaan resounded everywhere. I wonder if it had reached the Romans in Syria? Did they realize that cries of "Allah is the Greatest" signaled the end of their deteriorating civilizations? Indeed, they must have heard. In fact, the Aadhaan cast terror into them, yet in a desperate attempt to recapture the phantom of their empire, they decided heedlessly to fight a battle of despair and perdition.

Abu Bakr As-siddiiq mobilized his armies and chose a group of his prominent commanders such as Abu `Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarraah Mar Ibn Al-'Aas Yaziid Ibn Abi Sufyaan and Mu'aawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyaan to lead them.

When the Roman emperor heard the news of the mobilization of these armies, he advised his ministers and commanders to make peace with the Muslims to avoid inevitable defeat. However, his ministers and commanders insisted on fighting and maintained, "By our Lord, we will make Abu Bakr's hair stand on end before his horses breed in our land." Consequently, they mobilized an army estimated at 240,000 warriors.

The Muslim commanders dispatched this terrifying news to Abu Bakr, who pledged, "By Allah, I will rid them of their doubts through Khaalid." Thus, the antidote of their evil suggestions of mutiny, aggression, and disbelief, namely Khaalid Ibn Al-Waliid, was ordered to go on an expedition to Syria, where he was to command the Muslim armies.

Khaalid promptly acted upon his orders and left Iraq under Al- Muthannaa Ibn Haarithah's supervision and marched with his troops until they reached the Muslim headquarters in Syria. His ingenuity enabled him to organize the Muslim armies and coordinate their different positions in no time. Shortly before the outbreak of war, he addressed his warriors after he had praised and thanked Allah, saying, "This is Allah's day. On this day, we must not give way to pride not let injustice overrule. I advise you to purify your jihaad and your deeds for Allah. Let us take turns in command. Let each and everyone of us take over the command for a day."

"This is Allah's day." What a wonderful onset! "We must not give way to pride nor let injustice overrule." This sentence is even more graceful,adequate, and awesome. On the one hand, the great leader was not lackingin self-denial and cleverness, for in spite of the fact that the caliphhad assigned the command of the army to him, he did not want to give Satana chance to whisper in the breasts of his soldiers. Therefore, he relinquishedhis absolute hold on the army to every soldier in the ranks even thoughhe was already the commander. Thus, the commander of the army rotated fromday to day.

The enormous and well-equipped Roman army was really terrifying. On the other hand, the Roman commander realized that time was in the Muslims' favor, for they were given to protracted battles which would guarantee their victory. Therefore, he decided to mobilize all their troops for a quick battle tofinish off the Arabs once and for all.


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