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15 seconds

Remember? | Original Music

1 year ago

Original music by SawProductions. Enjoy. Please credit me if you use it.

Made in Garage Band.

Made as background music for videos. A nice, calm addition to the SawProductions Official Music Soundtrack. (I'm not sure why I called it that, It was late and BackGrAlbum would've worked just as well.)

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Hello. I have already received a message like this. I am not sure if you are Nova, or a bot, so sorry if this comes out a little harsh. I will not be accepting anything from anyone. For all I know, you could be a scammer, or stalker, or something of that sort. This channel is strictly NOT FOR MONETIZATION. this is a little something I do for fun. I am not interested in going viral, or using this as a full-time job. I can manage on my own. Besides, this is for my enjoyment specifically. If anyone else enjoys it or follows on the way, great. But if not, I don't give a heck. Good day.