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Why aktivists are highly sencitive and traumaticed


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  • Correct spelling: Why activists are highly sensitive and traumatized

  • Extremely important video, with well-educated people believing in scientific method, admitting being fooled by propaganda. I feel it is a fantastic piece of my own puzzle, searching and emanating evident truth. I will add it to lie number 0 & 17: https://vetenskapligapartiet.wordpress.com/2021/10/20/olika-former-av-logn-del-0-kognitiv-dissonans-undvikande-av-obehaglig-sanning/ https://vetenskapligapartiet.wordpress.com/2020/01/14/olika-former-av-logn-del-17-osann-skuldbelaggning-av-individen/ There is no shame in being fooled by propaganda. The propaganda from oligarch media, causing mass formation of the populace, was extremely powerful indeed. In fact, with much less psychological pressure than that, with quite a small group of people one can distort what a person actually perceive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asch_conformity_experiments Next. A later step in maturity, and one thing I did learn very late, is that expressing shame, regret and sadness, letting go of ego, is very powerful, because it has the potential to create empathy and forgiveness. All those expressions are signs of compassionate love, a love that the Essene and master Yehoshuah, known as Jesus Christ, taught us. This knowledge was withheld from me, because I choose to an atheist attitude because of the Santa [satan?] incident at 4 yeas old, realizing that my own family were not honest and tried to fool me, creating extreme skepticism, removing my open attitude towards the wisdom in the New Testament, being proud of rejecting it, being proud of committing acts of sin. How foolish.

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  • Why we distrust ppl who does 180's? Because those ppl harassed us and called us superapreaders, grandma killer's and so on. We said do not trust the propaganda. Something is not right. We don't know this because we are doctors and scientists. We know it because we do understand psychology and we observe our surroundings. Might I ad that I'm also a climat denier and it's arrogant to think humans can change global temperature.

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  • NWO end-game is just getting started. The vaxheads are full of superconductor material under a millimeterwave-weaponized SMART-grid, rich ma sabotaging western food production, rich man desperately trying to start US civil war and WW3 to get away with the accelerating vaxxer die-off, trying to implement their insane technocratic hell-scape, the so called pedohuntermovement is weaponized with deepfake and neighbourhoodwatch apps against the whistleblowers, geo-engineering technology to herd us into 15 minute slave-camps, the microwave SMART-grid used to destroy livestock allready(US) the LGBTQP movement pushes their twisted ideas on children with help from the so called doctors. Script out for 20+ years Mulitiple attempts on me the last 5 years, piggy does the "Do you wanna speak to someone" routine Welcome to hell, the start of it... tnx for the help treacherous, weak-minded sheeple. Nobody is forgetting ANYTHING.