Water detected on surface of asteroids for first time, thanks to defunct NASA mission

4 months ago

Even after its retirement in 2022, a NASA mission has played a crucial role in scientists’ ability to identify water on the surface of two asteroids.

Researchers from the Southwest Research Institute utilized data from the retired Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), a collaborative effort between NASA scientists and the German Space Agency at DLR.

This collaboration led to the discovery of water molecules on the asteroids, a distinction that had previously eluded scientists who could only detect some form of hydrogen without distinguishing between water and its closely related chemical counterpart, hydroxyl.

By focusing on four silicate-rich asteroids, which contain silicon and oxygen among other molecules, scientists identified molecular water on two of them.

These asteroids, formed in proximity to the sun, provide valuable insights into the distribution and evolution of materials in space, CBS News reported.

READ MORE: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/asteroids-water-nasa-german-space-agency-stratospheric-observatory-for-infrared-astronomy/

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