PROPHECY— Only Those Who Are In Me Will Live Through The Great Falling Away

4 months ago

Only Those Who Are In Me Will Live Through The Great Falling Away

“Many will be consumed by My Great Falling Away. Those who refuse to obey will enter eternal death. They refuse to obey Me, My son, because the Modern Age has deceived them with its creature comforts. Lukewarmness abounds in the Modern Age, and they refuse to obey Me, My son. My Laodicean Christians will be consumed from the earth because they are too lukewarm to obey Me anymore, My son. You are one of the few who has overcome the End Time Age of Lukewarmness. My Fire abides in you, and you are full of My anointing. They refuse to obey and do My will because they will not pay the price involved to leave all and follow Me. They will not obey because their hearts are full of covetousness and worldliness and sin. They will not give up their lives to follow Me because they love this Earth too much. That is all they think about, nothing else. Truly all men care about their own things, not the things of Christ. Therefore, they will not make it in to My Kingdom. Your LORD has spoken. Amen and amen forever!”

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