The Gospel of Jesus - The Rapture - The Great Falling Away, Do Not Be Deceived

9 months ago

We take a closer look at end time prophecy and how it does/will impact our lives as we move forward. I believe that God is very close to sending His son to bring His church to heaven. Today we are going to see in several scripture that deception will be all around us. In fact, we see deception right in front of our eyes. The difference now and as in times past, our governments have been systematically kicking the Triune God from their nations. We no longer can reverence God in the public square, we can no longer speak out against immoral behavior without retaliation. The churches have gone soft, false teaching is as prevalent today as it was in the first century. Not every pastor has soft teaching, not every pastor is afraid to speak the biblical truths taught to us over the centuries. It is not this group that are at is those pastors who put money, member size, buildings, etc. ahead of proper teaching.

Jesus and the apostles have warned us about this apostasy that will occur prior to Jesus final judgment. Jesus tells us 'if you have ears to hear, then hear'. His message is straight forward and pretty consistent throughout scripture from the book of Daniel through Revelation with respect to end time behavior. People will be deceived, people will not want the truth through the word of God any longer. This is because the word is like a two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). It will cut your sinful behavior right out of your body, mind and soul. The bottom line is, people do not want to change their life-style to conform to living a life God has provided to us, they want to live free from morality, free to do whatever pleases them.

Living a Godly life does not mean you will be free from trials and tribulations. What it means is that our response and reactions to these trials matters. We can view life through the eyes of Jesus, depending on Him in every circumstance or you can continue to be stressed out, worried and discombobulated at every turn in your circumstance.

Trusting in the Lord is the only way we are going to get through this life. In Jesus, He is the only way we can keep our head afloat seeing things in a much greater light. He will bring light to every circumstance, but the alternative is viewing the world in darkness. Getting comfortable living in darkness with no hope, no joy, and no love for each other. This is where Satan wants you to misery with him.

On the other hand God will bring peace, joy, happiness, contentment, strength and love to every circumstance. He will guide us and protect us, direct our path when you trust in Him and start living the life God has waiting for you.

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