Rahan. Episode Sixty One. By Roger Lecureux, The magic spear. A Puke (TM) Comic.

4 months ago


Episode Sixty One.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The magic spear.

The son of Crao was far too impressed by his discovery to worry about the storm that was threatening.
He was observing the fantastic carcass when worrying clamors arose.

A few hunters appeared and he carefully slipped under the huge skull.
They did not see Rahan.
It is the “Wrath of Heaven” that they fear!

Rahan is stupid for hiding!
The men would pass very close to his strange refuge.

Page Two.

And be suddenly immobilized.
Why are you running away, brothers!
“Sky fire” is not dangerous for hunters!

What are you doing in the head of the "Tahar"?
Who are you?
I am Rahan the son of Crao!
Rahan feared that you would treat him like an enemy and.

Our clan has only two enemies. The “Tahar” and the “Fire-spitting” from the sky!
Come with us, brother.
Our cave is a better shelter than this carcass!

This cave is now yours, Rahan!
Take. This is our last piece of meat.

But our custom is to share with hunters who are unfortunate enough to venture into our territory.
The son of Crao liked to find these feelings in "Those-who-walk-upright".
He refused the meat with emotion.

Page Three.

The storm had burst and countless lightning bolts shredded the black sky.
Why does Hangkar speak of "Misfortune"?
Because we suffer every day, the “Wrath of Heaven.”

But, above all, because the “Grand Tahar” makes hunting perilous.
When Rahan sees this messenger of demons, he will understand our anguish!

Hangkar described the "Tahar", a gigantic monster that lived in a mountain cave.
Solitary, yet invulnerable, this monster sowed terror throughout the territory!

This “Tahar" is the last!
If he disappeared, our children would finally experience happiness!
Why do you not kill him!?
This is an impossible thing Rahan!

Our arrows break on its hide and our spears have no more effect than a spine on the skin of a hunter!
The “Tahar” is invulnerable!

Page Four.

Rahan did not answer, intrigued as he was by the lightning which, mysteriously, converged towards the crest of a hill.
It is strange! Why do the "balls of fire" converge on this hill?

Hangkar understands your astonishment, but he cannot explain this mystery to you!
It is a miracle of the "Sacred Spear!"
We will go and thank her when wrath or heaven has fallen!

When the storm ceased Hangar led Rahan to the nearby hill.
It is she who draws fire from the sky! See!
All around a long spear buried in the ground, the ground was charred!

This spear was neither wood nor horn nor bone!
It was of a heavy, cold and rough material.
A material that the son of Crao did not know.
We discovered it near the body of an unknown hunter, a long time ago!

Where did this hunter come from?
We never knew it, but were soon to understand that his spear was magical.

Page Five.

Because all those who wanted to use it were, sooner or later, hit by the "balls of Fire"!

That is why we leave it stuck on this hill, where it attracts the "Spit from the sky"!
Oh! The “Tahar!”

The ground began to shake as before the eruption of a volcano.
While Hangkar led him into the cave, Rahan saw with horror, the most frightful of monsters emerge from the forest.

Page Six.

A moment later, the two men had joined the clan.
This cave is our only safe haven! The “Tahar” cannot penetrate here.

The ground shook even harder and the hideous head suddenly blocked the entrance to the cave.

The hunters, no doubt accustomed to it, released their arrows without conviction.
He always ends up getting tired and returning to his den!

Does Rahan understand now, why we live in terror!?
In fact, shortly after, the fantastic animal withdrew, smashing trees and overturning rocks.

Ten clans would not have the time, even if they spent ten seasons there, to dig a trap of its size!
The “Tahar” is a demon! He is immortal!
Demons do not exist Hangkar! And no being is immortal!

Page Seven.

An idea occurred to the son of Crao.
The lair of the "Tahar" could become a trap!
All beasts fear fire.
Since the "Sacred Spear" attracts the one from the sky, let us plant it in front of his lair!

Thus, during the anger of the sky, the “Tahar” will remain on his the ground and the clan will be able to hunt in peace!
Rahan is Brave. But he is a fool!

All those who ventured near the lair of the "Tahar," were crushed, cut to pieces and devoured!
If Hangkar and his people are afraid, Rahan will go alone!

Under the anxious gaze of the hunters, the son of Crao went to fetch the heavy and cold spear.
The tracks of the “Tahar” will be easy to follow.

The tracks, in fact, led him to a large and undoubtedly very deep cavern.
He glimpsed the monster there.
Rahan will not be able to get any closer!
But he knows how to deceive you "Tahar"!

Page Eight.

Climbing noiselessly up the rocks, he immediately dominated the cave.
From there, he could throw the magic spear.
Right in front of the entrance to the lair.

It was then that screams rang out.
Thunder rumbled again.
Release the “Sacred Spear” Rahan! Hear!
The wrath of heaven is not yet over!

But the son of Crao only cared about the monster which, alerted by Hangkar's cries, stirred in its lair.
Keep going Hangkar!
Scream Again! Scream louder!

Rahan could have stuck the spear in front of the cave.
But he had just had a much better idea!
We are lost!
The “Tahar” emerges!

Rahan climbed onto a ledge just above the cave entrance.
In front of it, the ground was littered with rocks.
The monstrous head suddenly burst out.

Page Nine.

Fiercely grasping the spear, he let himself fall.

He felt the weapon slip under a scale, landed on the neck of the "Tahar" and found himself between two rocks, half dazed by the fall.

The monster emerged from its lair, clawing furiously at the rocks with its tail.
The blow struck could not be fatal to him, but the son of Crao knew that!
He was hoping for something else!

The thunder was unceasing, and lightning crackled distantly in the sky.
Your audacity will have been for nothing!
Over here, brother!
Quickly we may have a chance to escape from him.

Why did you come Hangkar? For what?
Uh. I, I Could not let an unknown hunter give us a lesson in courage.

Page Ten.

But this courage was useless!
The “Tahar” is invulnerable! See!

The monster came and went heavily.
He had not yet seen the men hiding behind the rock.

And they made the mistake of breaking cover too soon!
We will not have time to get to the cave!
The clan needs you, Hangka!
Let us separate!
I will attract him to me!

Hangkar does not accept that you would sacrifice yourself for him!
We will join the territory of shadows together!
So let us try to stay together on the one of light!

By incessant and sudden detours, Rahan and his companion could hope to escape the "Tahar."

The cave was only two arrow-shots away when Hangkar, out of breath, collapsed on his knees.
I do not have your youth. I am.
Run away, Rahan, flee.
Page Eleven.

The clan, horrified, saw the "Tahar" approaching, swinging its giant tail above the two men.
Nothing could save them!

Ferociously, Rahan put up a final and futile defense.
Rahan is going to die! But you will die too!
The fire from heaven will steal your life!

And suddenly there was a miracle.
Lightning had just struck the monster!
Rahan expected nothing else from the sacred spear!

Was Rahan not right to assert that no invulnerable beings exist?
The terror is over Hangkar!

Several more times, during the storm, lightning struck the spear, striking into the charred skull of the monster.
Each time there was a clamor of joy!

Page Twelve.

And each time, the exploit of the son of Crao was saluted.
Rahan is not special brothers!
The idea of using the sacred spear against the "Tahar" would have come to you one day!
Rahan is as mischievous as he is cunning and Brave!
Will he stay with us?
A few days, Hangkar. Then he will go looking for other clans.
Discovering other territories!

Rahan has so much to learn from “Those-Who-Walk-Upright.”
How he would like, for example, to know the secret of this spear and why it attracts the “Fire from the sky”!

The spear once found on an unknown hunter, who came from an unknown country, was replanted on the hill.
She would continue to protect the clan of the “Spitting Sky”.

By leaving the clan, the son of Crao would, for the first time, leave a mystery behind him.
That of this spear, a mystery that he would probably never clarify.

Because how can we imagine, in these savage times, that certain hordes were already shaping a new material. A hard, cold material that we would call iron.


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