#ClosedCircuitSelling Here is HOW

4 months ago

Everyone is doing the same actions from the same broken modelling.

In ships too large to fail, and in the most part big for individual attribution and ROI conversations.

On the surface, it sounds great.

But, looking under the hood its what my mentor taught me early on is “fluffy talk” and “corporate waffle”.

Brought to you by the same people who sit in corner offices with the door shut staring at blank screens not knowing what trigger to pull next, coupled with walking around the corporate head office with pen and notepads we haven’t used since the late 90s.

But it doesn’t need to be that way.

There isn’t a one size fit solution. However the following findings will put you in goods stead.

The problem with Sales Led Growth, and volume games from the late 80s is, everyone is using the same messaging to reach the 3% in market to buy right now…

And rubbing up the reaming 97% completely the wrong way, and in some cases are placed on a ban list.

So what are some simple strategies your organisation should be implementing immediately to mitigate this?

Creating demand to hit the larger market;

1. Educational content to reach those who are problem aware, but not yet solution searching.
2. Live feedback loops of actual reason codes from existing clients, and closed lost, on why they didn’t buy, why they left and what their actual objections were.
3. Cataloguing the market - In a non abrasive manner - So you have who is with who, what they like, what they don’t and when they are up for tender.

That’s your organisational recipe for success.

As the majority of your next best clients, will come from those within the larger market formula.

NOT from Blanket messaging, hard selling, death by power point, to the same 3% that everyone else is kicking the front doors in on.

Sure, moving from Sales Led Growth, and market abrasive techniques into Organisational Demand won’t happen over night, but it will be worth it.

After you can play from here, the price of everything goes down, while organisational alignment and end to end service delivery goes up.

I am not sure about you, but decreasing your operating costs, your churn, while increasing your customer base is a place everyone should aim to play in.

So if you would like to see how we put this into practice, DM for more details, or check out our podcast for tips where we discuss with experts who have done similar things across industry sector.

In the next video we will go into what happens after this, and WHY you need to also have a firm grasp of your delivery pathway and comms plan.

#ClosedCircuitSelling #Revenue

 #Marketing #Deals #Sales

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