Nigmar's Bible Study 2/11/2024: Fasting

5 months ago

PDF of Bible Study verses:
Fasting Bible Study Verses:
• Fasting
â—¦ Fasting is a form of sacrifice
â–ª When most people think of fasting, they think of not eating anything.
• 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 → While that is true, fasting that doesn’t involve food can also include giving up or sacrificing activities, pleasure, comforts, etc. before Jesus in order to give Jesus more of our time and dedication.
◦ For this reason, fasting in even the smallest parts of our lives is necessary as many people have idols and aren’t truly seeking God.
◦ Luke 16:10 → Even giving up one meal for God is good and at least something, as God cares about how we act in the little things as much as we do in the big things, as both of these involve where our heart is.
• When we willingly give up food or anything else for the Lord Jesus Christ, He pays attention.
◦ Isaiah 58:3-12, Daniel 9:3-4 → Repentance and obeying God should be done as well.
• Romans 12:1-2 → Fasting is important as we are called to be living sacrifices before Jesus Christ.
◦ While fasting isn’t the only way to sacrifice, it is one of the more important ones demonstrated continually throughout the Bible and promotes discipline.
â—¦ Fasting helps cleanse ourselves and is one of the spiritual weapons we have in tandem with prayer
â–ª Matthew 17:21, Matthew 8:3, Acts 13:3
â—¦ Fasting in the Bible is often in combination with repentance as a way of genuinely seeking God
â–ª Psalm 69:10, Nehemiah 1, Jonah 3
◦ Luke 18:9-14, Matthew 6:16-18 → Keep in mind to avoid attitudes of pride or self-righteousness when fasting, and also to avoid publishing that you are fasting (for the attention of other men)
â–ª I believe there may be exceptions where you can tell people you are fasting if they ask first, and for example if it is deemed necessary to tell your family if you share meals together.
• Generally, your intention does matter to God, and if you are fasting for God’s reward, then it is best to keep it secret.
• Galatians 5:18-25 → Again, we are to be led by the Holy Spirit, and not under the law, so we shouldn’t fall into legalism with Christianity (as Christ came to free us of the burden of the law as He fulfilled it, but we still should keep His commands).
• Two Witnesses’ upcoming fast 2/12/2024 – 2/24/2024

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