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ACIM Movie Gathering, (Hector and the Search for Happiness), 2/11/24
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ACIM Movie Gathering, (Hector and the Search for Happiness), 2/11/24

5 months ago

Our ACIM Movie Gathering for February is definitely an adventure! It’s also an unconventional love story filled with insight that’ll have you captivated and laughing. Let’s take a journey to the far reaches of Earth with Hector, and see how he discovers happiness. He’s driven, and willing to find the answer! This is an excellent film to dive into the teachings of ACIM and let your heart be opened wide.

Hector (Simon Pegg) has his life put together in the most organized kind of way. But in fact he’s down right frustrated and needs help. He's a smart, successful psychiatrist in England, in a “perfect” relationship with a successful woman named Clara (Rosamund Pike). Except there’s just one thing… He’s not really happy at all!! He’s dissatisfied in his relationship. And he has unfinished business with a girlfriend from grad school. Even though his clients are lining up to see him, he’s doesn’t know what healing their problems would entail in truth. In a bold move, he decides to take a traveling sabbatical, to break out of his self made prison and open up to more spontaneity.

When we are cut off from emotional responsibility, we feel all our relationships suffer. Hector is what the Course refers to as an “unhealed healer”. He’s hiding behind his role. Everyone knows what it’s like to feel like a fraud at one time or other, because that’s exactly what the ego is… a complete and utter fraud. At some point, our own hypocrisy starts to stink so bad, that we can no longer take it. This is a big blessing, and a turning point, helping us to take off our mask and be authentic.

When we sincerely ask for happiness in our lives, we don’t suspect that laying aside the image of ourself could be relieving and uplifting. To the ego that sounds like a very bad idea. But the Spirit can use every situation to convince us that when we let go of our identity with the roles, they can be used in a miraculous way. That way is joyful, and is our inheritance; our destiny in each and every circumstance. Are we willing to give up control, and stop identifying as the roles we play? We have nothing to lose, except our suffering.

The take home value of this class will be a tender open heart, and encouragement to end the compromises that seem to block us from genuine aliveness. Buckle up friends, this is gonna be fun!

Quotes from 📘ACIM 📘 that came in during the movie and in our discussion time:

📘The Holy Spirit, seeing where you are but knowing you are elsewhere, begins His lesson in simplicity with the fundamental teaching that truth is true. ²This is the hardest lesson you will ever learn, and in the end the only one. ³Simplicity is very difficult for twisted minds. ⁴Consider all the distortions you have made of nothing; all the strange forms and feelings, and actions and reactions, that you have woven out of it. ⁵Nothing is so alien to you as the simple truth, and nothing are you less inclined to listen to. ⁶The contrast between what is true and what is not is perfectly apparent, yet you do not see it. ⁷The simple and the obvious are not apparent to those who would make palaces and royal robes of nothing, believing they are kings with golden crowns because of them. [CE T-14.II.3] https://acimce.app/:T-14.II.3

📘A miracle is never lost. ²It touches many people you may not even know, and sometimes produces undreamed-of changes in forces of which you are not even aware. [CE T-1.46.1] https://acimce.app/:T-1.46.1

📘The miracle, as an expression of true human charity, can only shorten it at best. ³It must be understood, however, that whenever you offer a miracle to another, you are shortening the suffering of both. ⁴This introduces a correction into the record, which corrects retroactively as well as progressively. [CE T-2.VIII.12:2-4] https://acimce.app/:T-2.VIII.12:2-4

Thank you for supporting these gatherings and our shared mission to live in peace and, naturally, share the peace.
😍Ways to donate:
Venmo: Brian Theard @teachonlylove
PayPal: miraclesarenatural@gmail.com (use “send to friend” method to avoid fees, this requires using a checking account not credit card) This is Brian Theard’s personal pay pal account.
Zelle: Brian Theard, lifecaretherapy@gmail.com, 415.717.5065.
Alexandra and Brian Theard
2305 Ashland St
Ashland, OR 97520

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