War Against The Church • Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Todd Coconato!

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War Against The Church • Joseph Z w/ Special Guest Todd Coconato!

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Church website: www.RRCNashville.org

In the studio, today with Joseph Z is Pastor Todd Coconato, and they talk about how the enemy is waging war against God’s economy, and praying in the spirit. Pastor Todd informs us that the church has the power to restrain the enemy because the enemy wants to stifle the church by portraying “giving” and “speaking in tongues” in a bad light. Unfortunately for them though, they can not buy the anointing of God, and thus, the church has the power to issue a restraining order against all those who oppose it. He further discloses that although we have to occupy all areas of influence, it’s important we understand the battle we’re dealing with, and by utilizing the weapon of speaking in tongues, can disarm the enemy.

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