20240209 Day 670 Part-2 - FAQs: “What are some best practices to stay consistent traveling?”

7 months ago

20240209 Day 670 Part-2
FAQs: “What are some best practices to help stay consistent while traveling?”
So I’m going to cover a few basic topics here to keep things simple and actionable.
Determine which Grocery and Supplement Shops are convenient distance to your lodging that have foodstuffs, protein, etc that you need to prep subsequent meals. Pro Tip: Hit the store on the way back from the airport, right after your Uber picks you up or you get your rental so you don’t get settled in, comfortable and just decide to order out.
Some people can train hard on travel days but it’s not a good idea for most of us. I recommend if you insist on training like I do, don’t put your heavier/more voluminous sessions on a travel day and do maintenance type work or something minimally impactful like conditioning, arms, etc… Push the heavy stuff a day or 2. It’s not going anywhere 🤷🏿‍♂️
Night before, try to get to bed early. Sleep on the plane isn’t the best sleep. It doesn’t count towards recovery 1 for 1 for many people. Also, if you can, retire early once you arrive, especially if it’s a jet lag scenario. It’ll help reset your internal clock.
Don’t wait to figure this stuff out. Establish your scheme of maneuver early and be sure to account for BOTH trips, to and from. Don’t forget to consider what you’ll do if there are delays, traffic, etc..
ALL STRESS IS ACCUMULATIVE. Travel is just going to add to whatever else you got going on. It’s not a separate thing. Take that into account with managing cravings, impulse, mood, etc.. it’s just 1 day. Stay in the fight till your destination and then IMMEDIATELY set yourself up for the next day. Worst case, just worry about consistency for TOMORROW. Get some sleep and then the following day you’ll have more bandwidth to train, meal prep, work, etc like a regular day.
Stay in the fight🇺🇸🇰🇪
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