Did You Catch Joe Biden's Massive Lie About The Special Counsel Report?

4 months ago

Spencer covered the rambunctious presser Joe Biden held last night. In a word, it was a disaster. The president opted to address the nation after the report from Special Counsel Robert Hur was released concerning his investigation into Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified information. It was Hillary Clinton 2.0: Biden willfully retained documents he shouldn’t have and didn’t store them properly, but he’s too old and senile to be charged. The portions about his memory being severely degraded were the part Biden’s team feared ahead of the 2024 election. It worked. That was the story of the day: Biden was exonerated, but he’s mentally a vegetable. How can a man be too senile to be criminally charged but fine to run the country? It makes no sense. So, I know some rightfully wondered who thought this presser was a good idea. The truth is Biden had no choice. The Mr. Magoo narrative needed to be tackled head-on; the problem was that Joe Biden fumbled miserably.

Even CNN asked if he should resign to allow a better Democrat—one that could pass the mental health test—to run instead. Yet, amid the rancor, Biden told a major lie about the special counsel report involving his ghostwriter. He claims he never disclosed classified information to Mark Zwonitzer, except that he did. He should have been charged with obstruction because Zwonitzer destroyed audio tapes when he learned this information was the subject of a federal investigation: Biden ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer deleted Joe Biden's audio files after learning about the special counsel probe. Zwonitzer wrote wrote extensively about the Biden family and their work in Ukraine and might've accessed (classified?) records.

The Biden DOJ is not charging him. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GF2ByQYWYAEhJJJ?format=jpg&name=900x900 -- Biden just angrily denied that he shared classified material with his ghostwriter (also claiming the Special Counsel “did not say” that he did) & asserted none of the materials he improperly retained were “high classified.” This is page 3 of the Special Counsel’s report: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GF2736tWwAAyDa_?format=jpg&name=medium -- Biden's statements about his classified documents scandal are "completely the opposite of what" the special counsel found. "It was willful. He knew. He talked about it!" He's ON TAPE — after he's out of the vice presidency — saying to his autobiographer, 'the classified documents are in the basement.' He knew it!

• More at: Townhall - Did You Catch Joe Biden's Massive Lie About the Special Counsel Report?

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