4 months ago

Every single millisecond of your life experience, is remembered and imprinted onto your soul, "Source" designed it that way when it created us to send these souls out into the universe to gather all the creative information and experiences from its children so it would all be fed back to "Source" in its fixed place in the universe, so it can then be downloaded from these souls when we go back to "Source" so it can grow and evolve also just like us.

But apparently the parasites stopped us from going back to Source over 6000yrs ago until 2019 when our Benevolent friends from above dismantled that amnesia vortex loop that kept us in this 3D prison environment, that also kept us looping back in here, lifetime after lifetime, and those parasites also made sure we could not remember all these lifetime loops, but it is still registered and imprinted onto our souls.

That to be said:

There was this Et abduction encounter that I researched years ago, where this Et had a person on their mother ship, and took him to this room where they showed him on a type of holographic plexi glass screen and they could pull up and review his whole life he lived up to his present, can't remember if they could go forward, but could easily rewind it all the way back to when he was born then review forward for him to see what he wanted too.
Just like we can all easily rewind a video today.
This reminded me of the movie "Matrix Reloaded" where Neo met the architect, and he showed Neo his life on Tv screens, then explained to Neo what his purpose was, and what the matrix was.

Whoever was behind writing that whole trilogy was based on lots of truths, but not exactly, and this trilogy was like a documentary. I'm sure the benevolent Et's were behind this movie somehow or it was the parasite's doing their predictive programming. I don't really know. That would be a good Q+A question for Christian.
The difference is we just didn't know the whole truth until our brother Christian released the truths over the last 18 now going onto 19 month.

Where did I come from?
Who am I?
Why am I here?
How should I live?
Where am I going?

Just listen to what the architect says about the Matrix. He is explaining the parasitic programming that we all now know.
He goes on to say how perfect the matrix was in the beginning when it was first created, and now this is the 6th time we created the matrix and we will destroyed it, because we have been exceedingly efficient at it. Like WOW😳 this movie was in our face back in 2003, when we had no hope of being saved, and the reset was right on schedule to start 13 to 14 yrs later when Killary was to become POTUS. But at the same time, the Et's had everything all under control back in or around 2012 to start this movie, according to Christian.
Makes your head spin when you really think about it.
I keep finding out more and more proof how these parasitic races took us over in our minds and bodies, that is just unbelievable, but at the same time, masterfully done by them, and they thought of everything.
So they did what they did, and everyone in the Universe has learned this powerful ....."Universal lesson".
They are all now eliminated from everyones existence, which has stopped this from ever happening again, but unfortunately they have left all these souls traumatized and now "all" these souls need to be to be healed.
I am so grateful for our Et friends, family and all beings from beyond for saving myself, and all of us from the 7th reset, and sounds like they were going to really finish us all off on the 8th reset.
I cannot scientifically measure or explain in words the gratitude that I have, for our friends, family above and Christian, but I do feel it, in my mind, body and consciousness when ever I think about it.
That is what counts the most, so it can help myself heal my traumatized soul in the best way possible, for. me, while I am still here.
I'm so happy, this is our last loop here, and the last of this 3D shit hole reality .🙏

Done in 30............

Hope you enjoy this clip from this Movie, and all that I have shared from learning these truths, and hope it will expand your consciousness in some way. 🙏

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