Masculinity: The Burden and Blessing

1 year ago

My guest today is a man who is not only comfortable with violence, but he’s also comfortable with empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. And, I think that is EXACTLY what makes us men – the ability to administer violence and the capacity to restrain ourselves and harness it for good.

His name is Victor Marx, a high-risk humanitarian. And, today he is here to talk about what is really going to down in Israel, the risk it poses to the United States, the fight of good and evil in society today, surrounding yourself with the right people, how to make important decisions based in love, and the burden and blessing of masculinity.

- What’s really happening in Israel and the risks that it possesses to the U.S.
- The fight of good and evil in society today
- Surrounding yourself with the right people
- How to make important decisions based in love
- The burden and blessing of masculinity
- The power of God against evil

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