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Peace is Just a Choice Away

1 year ago

February 20 - Peace is Just a Choice Away
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Today, let us practice focusing on people’s eternal, loving essence and nature, instead of what their bodies might look like, think, say or do. Today, when we look upon another, let us practice seeing God’s creation glancing back at us. If frustration, judgment, anger, resentment or hate begin to boil our blood and poison our minds, let us look past human errors and instead see the face of the divine. We can do so by visualizing any self-actualized being whom we greatly love and respect glancing back at us. That self-actualized face will become a symbol to us that we are consciously choosing to see their loving truth and eternal essence. Today, we are simply seeing all others as God created them. Today, everyone we think of and meet will be offered this same gift.

Today, practice seeing everyone as God does, through love and only love. Let the state of peace become a sign to you that you are seeing the world as God does. In truth, this choice is all that ever separates you from the state of peace. Before any interaction, remind yourself of your goal, and make the interaction a reflection of your goal. When a non-peaceful thought tries to enter your mind, remind yourself that you control your thoughts — your thoughts do not control you. Stop that non-peaceful thought in its tracks. Starve it of your time, focus and energy. Then use that time, focus and energy to see and support only the love in yourself and others as true. Do so, and become an example to others of what is also possible for them.
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