How Can You as a Family Obtain Funding for Intensive Care at Home?

4 months ago

How Can You as a Family Obtain Funding for Intensive Care at Home?

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So in today’s video, I want to talk about

How can you as a family obtain funding for intensive care at home?

How can you as a family obtain funding for intensive care at home?

Because we are getting this question from families all the time, families mainly have a loved one in intensive care, or families who have a loved one at home and have a loved one on life support. Meaning ventilation, tracheostomy, or bipap ventilation or sometimes, clients may not even be on a ventilator, but they may be having medical complexities such as complex seizure management, and especially with complex seizure management, patients might have an unstable airway and an unstable airway needs the skills of an intensive care nurse. Hence, intensive care at home is the right service for that.

At the time of the recording of this video,we’re in early 2020 now and as of 2020, there are several ways of obtaining funding for intensive care at home 24 hour nursing care with intensive care nurses or pediatric intensive care nurses. So as some of you may know, the NDIS or the National Disability Insurance Scheme has kicked in for a few years now in Australia.

And the National Disability Insurance Scheme has started to fund nursing care. Right. And with that, the NDIS is funding nursing care, you need to obtain medical and nursing evidence that your loved one qualifies for that.

But I can assure you that if your loved one is on ventilation and tracheostomy, most likely they will qualify for 24 hour nursing care as most of our clients have obtained that funding already.

Now, this is often not an overnight sort of event. But we have advocated or helped to advocate for so many clients now, and we’ve done a lot of legwork for our clients successfully.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t be in business and we wouldn’t be helping clients to stay at home instead of intensive care on a day by day basis. So therefore the NDIS is is one funding avenue.

But sometimes we get funding through public hospitals as well. And in other instances, we get funding through private health insurances, or in some instances, we get funding through a hospital in the home model or through a palliative care in the home model.

So the bottom line is this.

Whether you have a loved one in intensive care, or whether you have a loved one at home on a ventilator, but you don’t have the support your loved one needs (yet), if they are on life support and ventilation because ventilation and tracheostomy skills take years of training, specialized training in intensive care.

So you can’t just take lay people off the street and look after somebody on a ventilator with a tracheostomy that’s simply dangerous. You know, if your loved one goes back to intensive care, they wouldn’t be having somebody off the street looking after your loved one, they would have fully qualified Intensive Care Nurses looking after your loved one and we offer at the end of the day, we’re offering an intensive care substitution service that’s highly valuable. Because where would you rather be at home or in intensive care? I think the answer is rather obvious, especially if you get the same care and treatment at home...

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