Season 2 Episode 21: Lion of the Tribe of Judah: Yeshua יֵשׁוּעַ, El Gebor, Mighty God, HERO SAVIOR

4 months ago

Originally aired 2/3/24. The pages of the Bible paint a vivid portrait of the Messiah, OUR SAVIOR and Kinsman Redeemer, The HOLY ONE sent from God who will rule and reign in righteousness. And those of us who LOVE God want to KNOW HIM as we continue in our study of Jesus, Yeshua, יֵשׁוּעַ.

The Bible describes the Rule and Reign of the Messiah throughout the Old and New Testaments.
This is the hope of every Jewish person who loves God, that one day their Messiah will reign over Israel in righteousness, and put down those her enemies.

And as Christians, we understand that to be Jesus’s SECOND coming. But His FIRST coming was to redeem the world from death and sin. And as Christians, we don’t always appreciate the wisdom and beauty of God’s amazing plan. In fact, it is so COUNTER-INTUITIVE to HUMAN EXPECTATION concerning the MAJESTY of God, that it is a stumbling block for JEWS to THIS DAY, just as Isaiah and the Psalms prophesied.

I talk with many Jewish people, and one conversation particularly comes to mind from a visit to Israel with a man in Judea/ Samaria who was an officer in the IDF.

“We Jews respect Jesus, and we believe that he was a great man, but we do not believe that he was the Messiah.”

I asked Him why not. He said, “The Messiah will come in VICTORY, and will be received like a Hero. He will put down Israel’s enemies, and rule on the throne of David, not suffer and die a shameful death.”

He was an officer in the military, and had seen battles in his day, and so I asked Him, “In the IDF, what makes someone a HERO?”
And he thought for a minute, then said, “If he risks his life to save others, or gives his life…”

I said, “How can the Messiah come in VICTORY as a GREAT HERO if he never did such a thing? Jesus/Yeshua/ יֵשׁוּעַ laid down his life to save His people from death. Then He CONQUERED DEATH, and rose to life again."

And I showed him that Isaiah’s prophecy calls the Messiah: EL GEBOR, אֵל גִּבּוֹר, which is translated into English as MIGHTY GOD. The Hebrew word GEBOR (mighty) is the same word they use for HERO. So the Messiah is actually the GOD who BECOMES our HERO FOR US.

So just as a Hero must LAY DOWN HIS LIFE FOR OTHERS, the Jewish Messiah has these 2 ROLES, to suffer as the HAG, חַג or Passover lamb, to be the KINSMEN REDEEMER of the whole world. By THIS he has EARNED THE RIGHT to be the conquering HERO "Gebor" גִּבּוֹר, Who GAVE HIMSELF for his nation, Israel, AND for the WHOLE WORLD.

By His SACRIFICE, He has earned the RIGHT to REIGN over the WHOLE WORLD.

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