Season 2 Episode 19: JESUS, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah will Come with Justice to Reign on Earth

5 months ago

Originally aired 1/20/24. Hello Friends. We are in tumultuous times. We’re living in the labor pains that Jesus described as a sign of His soon return for the church, and to begin opening the Seals of judgment on a Christ rejecting world.

But there is also a process of normalization going on, so that these drastic changes to our world and culture start running in the background of our lives, until we have to face them directly.

Each crisis is being used to train us to normalize wickedness, to obey authority, to become callous to human suffering, and to believe lies by repeating and reinforcing them endlessly through social media, entertainment, government propaganda, cultural imposition, and finally threats.
Right now, the level of brutality, human suffering, and slavery at the hands of wicked people is higher than ever before. But what we see, we normalize, and what is just below the surface, we ignore.

Right now, tyrannical entities are seizing power, and brutalizing people around the world because no one is calling them out, or standing for the innocent. And America, the champion of the underdog, now only cares about what it is told to care about.
And so we are experiencing the conditions that Jesus Described concerning the last days:

We must understand that YES Jesus is the GOOD SHEPHERD, He is the LAMB of God, Slain from the foundation of the World, But He is ALSO the LION of the Tribe of Judah, who WILL RULE AND REIGN the earth for 1,000 years.

At the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus will return to the earth, and destroy the wicked schemers that rule as the globalist puppet regime that Satan is setting up using Digital ID's, Digital Currencies, and AI to usurp dominion over humans and rule from the throne of the Anti-Christ.

But when Jesus/ Yeshua returns at the end of the Great Tribulation as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, He will destroy and judge the wicked, and Assume his rightful Authority over the whole earth.

And as those who FOLLOW THE LAMB, we will be RAPTURED to Heaven to WITNESS the moment when Jesus receives HIS INHERITANCE from His Father for Giving HIMSELF as the SAVIOR of the world. We will be there to see His GLORY, and to watch as the LAMB transforms into the LION who will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה
Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

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