Loving the Unseen in You and Each Other

1 year ago

February 14 - Loving the Unseen in You and Each Other
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There is a beauty within you that is changeless and eternal. There is a place within you where the peace of God resides. Within you is a timeless splendor that is all you truly are and will always be. This beauty will never fade away or yield to the hands of time. Its majesty will gaze into the mirror, see past all the ego’s stories, and observe the daughter and son of Creation looking back. It is the unseen in all of us that truly unites us. It is the unseen in us where the springs of hope, joy, and love reside. There is nothing you could truly ever wish for yourself that does not already reside within you now. There is nothing, no matter how programmed we may be to think otherwise, that you have ever lacked or will ever lack. You are and will always be as God created you. You are and will always be Love’s perfect expression. Today the more you practice loving the unseen in others and in yourself the more you will realize that this eternal truth is truly so.
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