Pluto in Aquarius until 2042! What to Expect

5 months ago

Pluto has just entered Aquarius - the sign of technology, the future, and groups of people. Pluto will dip back in Capricorn one last time in September and November this year, until he fully crosses the threshold into Aquarius and stays there until 2043. Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn - the planet of limitation, and restrictions.

This is why Saturn rules time in astrology - because time is the biggest limitation and restriction on your existence. You only have so many years on this earth, and if you don’t make them most of them, there goes your chance! Capricorn is the side of Saturn which rules the past, while Aquarius is the side of Saturn which rules the future. That’s why Aquarius is associated with technology - emerging technologies break us away from the past and bring us into the future.

Aquarius is a social sign, it represents groups of people. The dark side of Aquarius brings the Greater Malefic’s rulership into sharp relief - just think about all the terrible things that have happened in history from mob violence and mindless tribalism, such as the Salem Witch trials. Though Aquarius has a very high side to it as well - just think about how some of the greatest works in history, like Sistine Chapel or the invention of the internet, could only be created through an organized group effort.

So let’s talk about Pluto. Pluto tends to put our ego on steroids. Think about Pluto as the critical mass event that makes a volcano erupt - it takes thousands of years of slow, simmering geologic activity before one day the Volcano blows its top and transforms the surrounding landscape. Pluto is associated with power, control and can bring about some of the darkest extremes of human behavior. While Pluto traversed Capricorn since 2008, corporations amassed unprecedented amounts of money and power - just think of Jeff Bezos’ Amazon empire and how tech companies control and surveil so much of our lives. These guys make the Robber Barons of the late 19th century look like cream puffs.

So what can we expect from Pluto in Aquarius? Well, artificial intelligence made a quantam leap in development while Pluto dipped briefly in this sign. Artificial intelligence has the potential to completely transform our social order when more jobs are replaced by machines. I also noticed an increase in large scale cyber attacks when Pluto edged near Aquarius - these are cyber attacks which threaten us on an industrial scale by undermining our essential infrastructure like traffic lights, water systems and more. I’d also expect that technology could be used more and more to control and surveil us as the planet of power enters the sign of tech.

Pluto in Aquarius has a higher side to it as well. Usually the more difficult a placement in astrology, the higher the potential within it. Technology can be used to enslave or liberate us. Aquarius is about the social contract, creating a new social order that is not bound to the past, and making a collective effort which can accomplish more than any of us individually can. Plutonian people can either be manipulative power trippers or profound healers too. So as Pluto transits Aquarius over thee next twenty years, try to find a way for how joining a team or being part of a group can help you to accomplish more than you ever could on your own, and you can tap into the higher side of Pluto.

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