Alistair Begg Leading Astray- 1st on Marriage/Divorce & Remarriage, Now Attending Gay Weddings 726

4 months ago

Popular radio preacher, Alistair Begg, was ALREADY false teaching on marriage/divorce and remarriage, and now he approves of going to gay weddings. He got taken off of the radio, but what about what the Bible says about marriage being only one man to one woman? I show the Scriptures, and we must always stick with the Bible truth. This video covers a list of false teachers that Alistair was already on, and adding in John MacArthur's false teaching on divorce and remarriage. There was a huge surprise for me when I found out that the Shepherd's meeting that they are having March 6-8 has as it's theme- "Truth Triumphs"-which is my backup channel name. I show the list a couple of places in the video, so check to see if you want to add someone, and put it in the comments.

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