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BCP: Fiducia Supplicans and its consequence – invalid Mass

1 year ago

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Lessons from church history
St Maximus the Confessor and Pope St Martin defended orthodox doctrine against the heresies of monotheletism. Emperor Constans sent a decree, the so-called Typos, drawn up by the heretical Patriarch Paul II, to Pope St Martin. Pope Martin replied: “I reject the heretical doctrine... I will not deviate from the Gospel or the Apostolic teaching or the Tradition of the Church Fathers even at the cost of death.” He convened a local council in Rome on the advice of St Maximus, where heresy was condemned. Pope St Martin was deported, imprisoned and sentenced to death. Though the sentence was changed, he died as a result of prison hardships in 655.
Saint Maximus was urged to embrace the new doctrine. He replied: “No, because the leaders of this Church, by throwing away the conclusions of the four general councils, have excluded themselves from the Church. Thus they lost their authority and their priesthood, as was declared at the Council of Rome. Therefore I ask, what sacraments can they administer? Or what spirit descends upon those whom they ordain?”
The heretical declaration Fiducia Supplicans essentially abrogates the Decalogue and the Creed. It contradicts not only the conclusions of the four General Councils, but also the Gospel and the whole of Tradition. As a result, it is also true that those who accept this heretical doctrine have already excluded themselves from the Church. What is the solution today? Separate from the pseudo Pope and his sodomite anti-gospel Fiducia Supplicans. Francis Bergoglio and his sect will not leave the occupied papacy.
Saint Maximus said: “I know from Scripture that the Holy Spirit casts anathema even on angels if they preach another gospel (Gal 1:8).” To separate from those who have already separated from Christ is by no means a schism. Bishops and priests who form a unity with the heretical Fiducia Supplicans celebrate the holy sacraments invalidly.
The liturgy makes present the death of Christ. Christ’s death overcomes sin. Fiducia Supplicans, on the other hand, blesses sin. A bishop or priest who blesses the sin of sodomy is an apostate. With this spirit of the Antichrist, he can no longer celebrate the liturgy validly. The question asked by Saint Maximus, followed by his answer, applies to the current situation: “What sacraments can now be administered by those who approve of blessing sodomy? They have excluded themselves from the Church. Thus they lost their authority and their priesthood.”

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

22 January 2024


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